ok, so I figured, it's not that bad a day today round here, so lets take the bike out for her first (& mine) ride.
Sooo, got her out the garage & nicely warmed up. Got myself all kitted out, got the high viz on etc. Made sure I had me cigs & phone!
Got on, into first & ready to set off.
Now, what you have to bear in mind is that my drive is on an adverse camber, once off the drive you have to turn immediate right to go up a very steep close (only about 10 yards) to the main road)
So, I'm there in first, slightly nervous. slowly off the clutch & hope to start moving (I have remembered to put the side stand up!). What I have now discovered is that on this bike, the clutch needs to be let out quite a way for her to start moving (think am gonna have to adjust this!!) so am sat there waiting & then she bites - I slowly set off, but a tad too slow to get her actually off the drive, so instead of giving her a bit more revs I went into the newbie panic mode of break & feet down, only to find (remember the para above) that the drive is lower down than I really wanted it to be.................
.........so down we both go! I then notice the little nobbly bit that usualy is on the end of the clutch lever trickling it's way down the drive....bugger thinks I. However, no problem, the lever is still there & there's nothing else damaged!
So, the next thing, pick her up & start again!.............
...........easier said than down - SHE'S EFFING HEAVY!!!!!! & also being still on the adverse camber, trying to heave her up & get her onto the side stand was a nightmare.
OK thinks I, don't give up, just get her onto the level bit of the drive & start again!
OH NO thinks she!! it's now taken me over half an hour to try & manouver her onto the level bit (she'd taken a liking to the adverse camber by now & wanted to get back there at every opportunity!!!)
Am in a mega sweat at this point, my arms & legs are wobbling with the strain (I really need to get to the gym & get some weights done if I have to battle with her again!!!)
Luckily though none of the other residents of the close are in, so I don't have an audience thank god!
By this time, I'm wanting to bitch slap her & show her who's boss. But am also thinking fug it!
So, I manage to manhandle her back into the garage.
So for today she's won the battle, BUT SHE WILL NOT WIN THE WAR!!!!
I think what I really need is for someone to take me to a nice quiet industrial estate so's I can get the handle of her & get used to the clutch etc etc etc & beat her into submission.........
Does anyone know if there's a Bike whisperer around?