Is it just me?
Every thread in every Forum has the KISS Advertising Banner running through the middle of the posts. The banner appears n wont move from where it has decided to plonk itself!
A great idea if it runs through the posts you arent interested in but flipping irritating if you are trying to read posts. Grrrr!
I am using my HTC Wildfire, and yes i know its a relic but I LIKE IT ok?! Never had probs before. Hope Im not being singled out as an old fogey just cos i like my small, simple phone... :(
Happening get to me too.
is it happening now? It's supposed to be locked to the bottom of the screen
locked to bottom on the phone
Deleted Member
locked to bottom of screen on my laptop
Double six
Having it locked to the bottom of the screen is the irritating bit! It was much better above the Bm headline.
Yeah locked to bottom now although agree with D6 better when at top
I don't know. The top of the page is a really premium part of the site. Putting the banner there shifts all the genuine content of the page down. As many people don't scroll down when browsing the web it means i have to try to keep all the important content right at the top above what is known as the "Fold" (where the top of the page ends on most screens).
I'll think about it
Brummie Jackie
Can it be put on the side as it were lol ......... makes me sound like I am on the CB Radio :)
Its still in the middle of my mobi screen .... Aaaaaaarrrgh, when i want to read something or worse still post something im have to enlarge the view so much before the banner disappears and gives me access to the post message button.
Im so pleased that it isnt just lil ol me that is struggling with the damn thing. ;)
Slight bit annoying, does take up a lot of the page
Deleted Member
Most annoying and I can't even put a Thumbs Down Emoticon here either lol
Yep I get emoticon error message too, kind of need those to distinguish from being obnoxious or just taking the Micky
GBNP - please press REFRESH in your browser and tell me if that fixes it.
Emoticons - looks like IE11 broke them (I think the ad blocker is blocking it). I'm working on redesigning the entire forums section anyhow so I'll get the smileys replaced
See I need a smiley face for that mate lol, cheers fella
My Blackberry has a small screen of which 2/3 is taken up with the advertising banner, making the forums very difficult to use. For Gawd's sake move it somewhere less intrusive!
Deleted Member
BM banner locked to bottom of screen on my laptop but it is really annoying to see it there, better at the top like it was before
On I need to get my hands on some other devices cos it looks fine for me even on my phone (Samsung s4)
Ok gonna move it back in the morning
Deleted Member
Matt will be Mr Popular in the morning :)