thanks for clear'n that up Debs :) lol i'll stick this thing on n see how it looks am not a huge fan of shiny bits stuck on ma bike but gotta look better than the plastic effort at present lol
i did read somewhere that it had to be flat but not sure were
Mine is flat and in the top pocket of my jacket stops it getting pinched off the bike officer or you reply to the parking ticket with its not my fault your traffic warden didn't go to specsavers. and send a pic with it showing a clearly displayed tax disc on the near side of the bike
JP Only issue there is traffic wardens are armed with the latest in high tech tablet pc things that take piccies too!
grrrr I hate emm...
Anyways tho, U are right in that I never know n anyone gtn done fer failure to display.....database says its taxed,insured an MOTd so why bother looking for disc on bike....
That said,prob more likely a traffic warden would do u for it......more commision for him lol
A Police Officer got bigger fish to fry....so unlikely to bother.
If it is legally parked thay have no reson to look
Deleted Member
Cannot remember the exact date and year but the Home Office gave a directive to the ACPOs that's the Association of Chief Police Officer's the single track vehicles need not display but must carry on the vehicle in a safe place the excise disc and upon request produce it to a police officer or traffic warden in uniform, The national Vehicle data base is used more often than people realise
harry worth
Years ago I was parked in a bike bay near parliament and found a ticket on it for non display of tax disc, I found the copper just up the road and said whats this then, my tax was on inside of the lightly tinted screen, I couldn't see it there he said but you can now I said and he tore up the ticket.