Great to see a bit more interest at long last,dosna matter how much you can or can't offer Geoff buddy,just making an effort to get there is superb
Nina would be so cool if you could make it,we girlies are a wee bit outnumbered at the mo and i've heard such nice things about you it would be lovely to meet you
Drobess,your support is much appreciated and Herne has a great idea up his sleeve to enable members all over the country to get actively involved so watch this space.
C'mon peeps,still time to get a few more involved,Blue and i have a cunning plan to contact all members within a 50 mile radius of Wath and Matt has very kindly agreed to help substancially with this so HUUGE thanks to the boss man
Remember,events page has a request a lift section so even getting there needn't be a problem.