Rally Meeting Sat 1st Nov

79 Posts | Latest reply on 25/11/2008 10:01:40 by Karey | Go to original / last post
vinnie's Profile

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Thank you all for the warm welcome, see you at the meeting.

Real names Steve by the way.

So that was your mother-in-law FJ? Yes we were PMing for a while.

I've known Daz and Midge since the early nineties when they used to live in the ground floor flat below me and Kate and Tim since they moved up here from down south. Still friends even though I left the Beermonstersa few years back.
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Hey Herne,you've obliterated KareyShocked         Was just checking out the pic and noticed where you'd dropped your name.Now i know she didnt want her pic taken and shes probably paid you handsomely,but thats just plain rude buddyShocked(yes again!!)and here was me thinking you were a real gent as wellErmm                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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lol Cassie...   I don't mind..trust me .. its probs better for the viewers !  LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Y'know how people keep saying "the August dates"?   Well, what dates are they?   And is it definitely confirmed for whatever date that weekend is?   Only I'm getting seriously busy with my stall bookings for next year, particularly July & August. Obviously. Height of the season and all that.                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Lou, as far as I know, it will be the 3rd week of August, but thats not been officially confirmed yet. When are we having the next meeting guys?  Dugald, did u say theres a meeting with the Beermonsters agen?    Cheers Kaz                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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OK... well confirmation soon as would be good ;o)   3rd weekend is 15/16 August. I'm also awaiting date confirmation on 2 other rallies/shows I've booked on, but I think that weekend is probably good.                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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okies... well as far as i kno that was pretty much the date.. but, yeh i understand that u need confirmation.  As soon as we know im sure it will be posted.   Ooooh who's a busy bee then :o) tis all good tha knos Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Not giving myself any excuses Kaz... I've got to throw myself into this... if I fall flat on my face, so be it, but at least it won't be through lack of effort :o)   I'll probably just end up spending a bloody fortune on stall fees and selling a fraction of what I need to to keep my head above water, but I've got to try. I've invested a lot of time, effort and money into learning my "trade", so if I don't follow through and try to make something of it, what was the point?                                                                                                                                                                             
fastjock's Profile

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3rd wknd in August is the planned date , yet to be fully confirmed   Been a bit busy lately so havn't had chance to see Graham , gonna do ma best to go see him tomoz , trying to plan the next rally meeting for the 29th Nov to coincide with a night out with the Beermonsters , hopefully we will have a date confirmed by the 30th Nov if you can hold on till then Wannabe .   Hek Karey yv turned into a poppyLOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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lol..FJ...thats just me .. a little flower LOL hehe Right ..seein as its gone midnight and Armistice is over i shall change mi pic bak..lol     The Beermonsters meet..wud there be anywhere to stop over?   Hey Lou.. i fully understand...you've gotta give it a go!  Like you said, you've put a lot of time and effort into this... keep on persevering Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                               
Phil's Profile

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Can someone PM me a synopsis of what happend at the meeting. not had time to read through the tread.                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Pagan... PM Cassie she was taking notes Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Blueboy955i's Profile

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Cassie took some notes, but we've been busy as heck lately (planning trip to Cornwall tomorrow).  Gonna try to get any notes (not a lot though) posted on this thread tonight, if not it'll be when we get back.                                                                                                                                                                             
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Sorry bout the delay folks,been a bit manic lately. Basic jist,3rd weekend aug at nunnington(to be confirmed).Limited car spaces so book 'em early.No under 16's,dogs or pedestrians.Tickets will hopefully be available in the new year but bookings can be taken before that.   A lot was discussed but until we've had a meeting with Graeme we can't be specific.Got some fantastic tips,advice and contacts from the beermonsters,who have agreed to attend and think we now have all we need to move this on.As soon as we've spoken to Graeme we can confirm dates and really get the ball rolling.   What we really need now is the bm members to help out where they can.We are looking for bands/entertainment,so if you or anybody you know is in a decent band and prepared to perform for expenses please get in touch.We are also looking for people who are prepared to do some marshalling dutys.If you have any special skill or talent(legal only please!!)and feel you can entertain/amuse or enlighten us please let us know.We would also like to hear any general ideas/suggestions or things you would esp like to see regards traders/entertainment ect.Remember if you don't speak up you won't be heard so give us a shout.                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Erm... daft question here... no pedestrians... what's that all about?

They're not taking up car parking spaces are they?

Surely we want to attract as many people to participate as possible. I know plenty of shows that get day visitors from the local area - you're going to turn fee paying people away cos they're on foot? You're going to turn BM members away cos someone's given them a lift to the entrance, as they have no transport of their own?

Yeah yeah yeah... I know MAG does its rallies like that. No cars, no pedestrians, no excuses and all the rest of it, but they can afford to be a little exclusive. They've been going for years, they're a well known entity and their events tend to be sell-outs. We're just a networking website trying to put something together for the first time. Can we really afford to be so picky?

There might be thousands of members on BM but we don't get thousands along to meets. Fewer exclusions might assist in getting bums on seats, so to speak.

Wannabe's Profile

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Sorry - I don't mean to sound negative or like I'm having a go. All your efforts are appreciated :o)

These events cost a lot of money to put on, it just seems that we shouldn't be concentrating on excluding people right from the outset when we have no idea how many tickets are actually going to be sold for it.

Phil's Profile

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the no pedestrians thing comes from the MAG rallies i think.                                                                                                                                                                             
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Let pedestrians in, and it's not a bike rally. The main  'raison d'etre' of a bike rally, is to arrive by bike. Pedestrians have about 9 months to get themselves sorted. Problem? And if not enough bikers are interested - we cancel. I, for one, am not interested in putting on a rally for pedestrians.                                                                                                                                                                               
Wannabe's Profile

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Oh for goodness' sakes.

It's not about "putting on a rally for pedestrians".

Of course MOST people will be in a position to arrive on a bike, it's a biking site, but there might be a few folk out there, the difference between breaking even and cancelling the event, that end up not being able to make it by bike.

You'd rather cancel the event, than permit the heinous crime of walking through a gate?!

Herne's Profile

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Let pedestrians in, and it's not a bike rally. The main  'raison d'etre' of a bike rally, is to arrive by bike. Pedestrians have about 9 months to get themselves sorted. Problem? And if not enough bikers are interested - we cancel. I, for one, am not interested in putting on a rally for pedestrians     Am sorry but I have to agree with XKL.....also on this sites heading it says By Bikers For Bikers   So to save any arguing or bad feelings why doesn't the big boss change it to a Public site for the Public                                                                                                                                                                             

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