Too many bizarre things to talk about here, but for indian ceremonies, I've attended a fire dance in New Mexico and a Ye Be Che Ceremony for John Lee Begay at Jedito in the Navajo nation in northern Arizona. The medicine man for that one was Avery Denny, very famous with the community, one of his songs was remixed on the first Sacred Spirit Cd which had various Indian songs mixed with western music.
In India I swapped places with the rider on an indian version of the rickshaw and tried riding it with him as a passenger, not bizarre but extremely difficult!
I was invited to attend an officers mess dinner with an ex-girlfriend just after she graduated from Sandhurst College. My table manners are quite within the bounds of what's expected of someone dining with senior ranks, but I didn't take into account the fact that the young lady hadn't seen me in 4 months and wanted to catch up on lost time during the day preceding the dinner. Needless to say I was a little tired, and consequently quieter than usual during the meal, something that my fellow diners must have picked up on as they very politely involved me in the conversation but didn't push for me to make too much of a contribution.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, my tiredness got the better of me and after a couple of close calls with the old noddy head feeling, I fell asleep...right into my desert. Almost as soon as my head hit the bowl I woke up, but it was too late I had one very nicely prepared desert all across my face.
My friend was forever remembered by her colleagues as the girl who wore her dinner guest out to the point he fell asleep at table.
I once found myself in an Israeli air raid shelter waiting for a raid that never materialised, even though there ws the sound of war in the distance. Hot, dark and uncomfortable...and the BBC World Service had Liverpool v Derby County live. Weird or what?
That is weird Wills, amazing!!!
To Daytona man, most guys fall asleep afterwards and not during!!!
I had an out of body experience when I was very little, about four or five, I just used to black out in my sleep, luckily dad found me, but I can remember it like it was yesterday
the most bizrre thing i done was get married
Bikerchick 1966 - It's called stamina, but even I can run out after a while.
Bettyboop - I did that once - it wasn't bizarre, it was plain downright and unforgivable stupidity.
on dartmoor unziped my jeans ready for a jimmy riddle when up stood several camoflaged soldiers right in front of me!
Suit You Sir!!! TM60
Did you have a "Button mushroom" moment TM??
Years ago I was homeless in London [yes folks I have an "interesting" past] and Lewisham graveyard seemed like a viable place to kip down for the night.Having gone this far I thought might as well sleep between gravestones-[as you do].Anyway I got of to sleep,but woke up late in the night haveing dreamt or imagined the ground had moved beneath me-I pondered this a while when it suddenly heaved under my sleeping bag,now there could have been some rational explanation but I didnt hang around to find out.I legged it and took my chances with a park bench.This happened about 20 years ago [in case you wondered].
Cruiser gal
Well nothing really to add to this post you just need to read every other post I put on the site.
Lol @ tangoman's post
When I was 14 yrs old I worked at a funfair in the school summer hols, the boss had me cleaning the helter skelter WHILE IT WAS IN USE. I had to hang on, polish in one hand, duster in the other, while customers slid thro my legs, it wasn't too bad but it made me eyes water when an ADULT came by
A few of them... but I was once broke in New York. Left with about 12 dollars for weekend (not my fault - my mate had left her credit card in toronto and mine had run out of credit). We had to wander up and down hoping that mcDonalds would give us fliers for two meals for price of one while most normal people were ignoring them. Then we spent most of the night at the new York Central bus terminal with the down and outs trying to sleep sitting up, and trying to look like we were just waiting for a bus instead of being vagrants when the transport police came past. then spending most of another night on a bus travelling to boston and arriving so early in the morning that we went to the local park at 6.30am and tried to sleep amongst the down and outs who thought we were fair game, shouting vile innuendoes at us, while waving their empty booze bottles around. Then back in New York a guy about 70 who was old and doddery with a penthouse apartment put us up and turned the air conditioning off and sweated us out, when we refused to share a steam shower with him so we ended up leaving at 5.30am and finding somewhere to go for breakfast. Bizarre. Happy ending though, new card came through Monday morning.....
A few of them... but I was once broke in New York. Left with about 12 dollars for weekend (not my fault - my mate had left her credit card in toronto and mine had run out of credit). We had to wander up and down hoping that mcDonalds would give us fliers for two meals for price of one while most normal people were ignoring them. Then we spent most of the night at the new York Central bus terminal with the down and outs trying to sleep sitting up, and trying to look like we were just waiting for a bus instead of being vagrants when the transport police came past. then spending most of another night on a bus travelling to boston and arriving so early in the morning that we went to the local park at 6.30am and tried to sleep amongst the down and outs who thought we were fair game, shouting vile innuendoes at us, while waving their empty booze bottles around. Then back in New York a guy about 70 who was old and doddery with a penthouse apartment put us up and turned the air conditioning off and sweated us out, when we refused to share a steam shower with him so we ended up leaving at 5.30am and finding somewhere to go for breakfast. Bizarre. Happy ending though, new card came through Monday morning.....
Became a
Sorry Matt....
Mines not so much bizarre just impulsive, which is why I got the nickname Scary.
I was talking to a chap online one day and he mentioned that it would be nice to meet up for coffee.
So without thinking I said sure see you about 6.
It must of been a blonde moment.... as I then had to drive 300 miles each way.
It took me 9 hours of driving and the coffee only took 1.
That why your picture's a brunette?
300 miles who was it Brad Pitt???