Don't know about you, but riding a bike is so much more than jumping on a vehicle and going from A to B.
I think that riding a bike ought to be like music, it should be a harmonious experience in every thing you do on it, from pulling the clutch lever in to opening the throttle up slowly and deliberately, increasing the revs to the sound of pure pure music coming out of your exhausts.I also take great pleasure, most of the time, from doing things properly, like always indicating and showing respect to other road users, from nodding to car drivers for being considerate but most of all from knowing that, as a biker, i am a representative of the biking community and therefore ought always, well most of the time, to ride with a desire that other road users see us, not as somebody that rips past them full throttle popping wheelies down the road, although that can be fun
, or as mindless people ripping up the law book and doing as we please, giving decent bikers a bad name but as people that really love riding bikes and respecting others when we do so.Be nice to know others thoughts on riding their bikes.