pet hates and nasty habbits

39 Posts | Latest reply on 19/08/2014 14:38:37 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
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come on lets hear peoples pet hates and nasty habbits , worst habbit is people picking their noses, pet hate is dirty bikes/trikes without reason to be                                                                                                                                                                              
nitro70's Profile

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I agree in some circumstances . But a bike is to be ridden .. not bought and taken to shows ..                                                                                                                                                                              
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Practical jokers get on my nerves. There was a barmaid in Wallasey who considered her "Exploding Pint" trick to be highly amusing and entertaining. The customers and emergency services thought otherwise. Furthermore, it was costing the pub a fortune in glasses and first aid equipment.   To be fair, she was pretty efficient otherwise but had to be sacked after six months because she'd hospitalised half of the pub regulars, and the manager noticed the subsequent decline in trade.                                                                                                                                                                               
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Intolerant school teachers have always been a bugbear of mine. My 11-year-old daughter was banned from metalwork classes last term for heating her head up and moulding it into the shape of a hammer.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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practical jokes can sometimes get out of hand and silly and dangerous by the sounds of things there valancia,

yup totally agree nitro ride yer bike not give your bike a ride and clean the baby when your done
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Dix said; "practical jokes can sometimes get out of hand and silly and dangerous by the sounds of things there valancia"   There was another Wallasey pub that announced a "Hawaiian Night" last year. I thought it sounded pleasant, imaging Aloha girls in grass skirts behind the bar, exotic fruit punches and so on. I changed my mind when the place was bombed by the Japanese Air Force.                                                                                                                                                                             
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

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Pretty sure Mr Ken can tell you my nasty habits as for pet hates

Middle lane hoggers



and .............. give me time sure i'll think of more lol
Deleted Member's Profile
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oh yes the middle lane hoggers so annoying and people that cant tow caravans properly make me go purple in seconds lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

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that's just reminded me .......... on our way back from Squires today, we witnessed a car towing a caravan where the driver had no concept of width or common sense, they ended up going the wrong way round the petrol station and then nearly took out the side of another car ....... can not repeat what JP shouted very loudly in their general direction as I would be banned !!!!
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lol thats exactly what i mean people towing caravans should be made to do a thousand tests befor being allowed to tow ive seen one come clean off the tow hitch and just roll to a stand still crossed over 2 lanes of m1 omg scary crap when your on the trike right behind the loonatic
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Dix said; "practical jokes can sometimes get out of hand and silly and dangerous by the sounds of things there valancia"   An ex-girlfriend of mine balanced a heavy book dedicated to the subject of schadenfreude on top of an office door so it would fall on her friend’s head when she came in. It knocked her unconscious, but my ex couldn’t stop laughing about it.                                                                                                                                                                             
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lol not funny I know I but cant help the smile that just came on my face sorry                                                                                                                                                                              
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Companies that don't adhere to Health & Safety regulations annoy me immensely.   I knew someone whose job it was to inflate lighter-than-air balloons, and he died of helium poisoning.Towards the end, his voice went so high that he had to dictate his will to the solicitor's dog.                                                                                                                                                                             
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pmsl. omg you make me crease valancia , hey when we were kids it was just silly jokes like snapping chewing gum ,redhot  sweets and face blackening soap oh and the obvious  plastic dog poop left anywhere you could leave it                                                                                                                                                                              
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must just say I guess my biggest pet hate right now is judgemental people what god given right does one person have to judge another , oh maybe they think they are better than others NOT we are all the same came in the world with nothing go out the world with nothing. im a firm beliver in what goes around comes around
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people going to bed in stinky socks and not changing their clothes                                                                                                                                                                              
countclawed's Profile

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my pet hates taxi drivers who think they own the road ,  middle lane hoggers , caravaners who havent got a clue , caravaners who use discoverys the worst towing vehical ever                                                                                                                                                                             
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discos towing caravans remember the one on the way to east mids airport ended up splattered all over motorway 3 lanes full of shyte n debris lol glad I was already at airport I don't think it would have looked good with senior cabin crew missing on the flight eh plus I wouldn't have got my bonus for the month eh lol
Buckaroo's Profile

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People who park on the pick up point at supermarkets and go in to do there shopping! Should be clamped                                                                                                                                                                              
kaycat's Profile

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and cheats that it i think                                                                                                                                                                              

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