May 2013 - Glencoe

47 Posts | Latest reply on 15/04/2013 21:48:57 by dizzydot | Go to original / last post
Steve_H's Profile

In: Teesdale
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Anyone fancy a blatt up to Glencoe for the first May bank holiday, 3rd to 6th May.
As I'm 50 next year I'm planning on doing a whole bunch of stuff!
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that looks like a very strange neck brace Steve LOLParty teeheehee   i dont know what im doing next weekend let alone may bt i will defo keep this in mind Steve, im guessing Glencoe is in scotland? Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Bat's Profile

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Go Scotland every year Steve - magical place! shall keep this in mind!                                                                                                                                                                              
Sweeny Todd's Profile
Sweeny Todd

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Hope to be up for this Steve, sounds good                                                                                                                                                                             
Bat's Profile

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Ride up together then Rich!                                                                                                                                                                              
Sweeny Todd's Profile
Sweeny Todd

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Yes be good, Roo shown interest as well.                                                                                                                                                                             
Rooster roo's Profile
Rooster roo

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Yep definately up for this Steve count me in Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

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Its a def possibility :)                                                                                                                                                                              
rockchickeelicious's Profile

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If Glencoe is where Isle of Donnen Castle is.. and

If I have ****** ** **** and

If I have * ****** **** and

If I have **** of ********* and

If I have * *** of ***** **** then.. 

Hell Yeah!!!!!

Totally up for it!!!!

Lot of IF'S before I can whooo hooooo but if the if's turn into yes'es then you can definately count me in!!

Keep us posted and updated lovely and I shall tick off my IF's 

Vladamir's Profile

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Definatly interested in this                                                                                                                                                                              
Steve_H's Profile

In: Teesdale
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Bloody 'ell, looks like we got a convoy Big smile
Me and the other half have booked into the Clachaig Inn, which is expensive but she don't want to camp. The Clachaig is the best pub in the world.
Those that want to camp then it's the Red Squirrel camp site about half a mile from Clachaig and also a good place.

Steve_H's Profile

In: Teesdale
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Rockeechickee your thinking about Eilean Donan Castle which is about 80 miles further north, but as the ride there is pretty much as good as it gets we have a day trip up there. Thumbs Up
Have a look at the A82 and A87 on google street view to see what I mean.
Better get yerself a bigger bike before then too Big smile

justjerry's Profile

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I could very well be up for this one...
Not been over the border for ...  ooh...   7 months now

Provided the grim reaper hasn't caught up with me, should be good  Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Steve_H's Profile

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I was up there last week, no bike, car, camera and walking boots. Good fun thrpping the car about the side of loch ness!
Missing the place already.
Think I've done the car a mischief though...                                                                                                                                                                             
dustin666's Profile

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Sounds like the dogs b*ll*x , or the Haggis's b*ll*x.
I'm gonner be ' dans le tente' , coz I need to save a few bob for France at the end of June .
Dusty x                                                                                                                                                                              
rockchickeelicious's Profile

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Steve H said... "better get yourself a bigger bike too" Thumbs Up

Well Done That Man!! You filled in one of the blanks on the What IF List lol.. 

Plans are afoot lovely.. plans are afoot.. failing that I will pilly with David.. but there will be NO FAILING!!

Steve_H's Profile

In: Teesdale
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And a course a few hundred miles of Highland roads will do your riding skills the power of good.
The Clachaig will help your drinking skills too Beer

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Dunno if I can make it (TT in June). Was up there 5 years ago and its magnificent riding country,we stayed in chalets north side off Loch Leven,Tiranui Loch side cottage,North Ballachulish,PH33 6SA, they have a website for you to get current details off,nice n clean,reasonable price(when I went) and great views over loch to a small island with a derelict kirk on it.If finances stretch will be there.
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Yep sounds like a good idea, count me in specially the run to Eilean Donan Castle, many many years since i was up there last.                                                                                                                                                                              
KatyaGT's Profile

In: Brighton
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Sounds good.... I love Glencoe.  Cheaper option than Clachaig is a hostel... there are 2 in staggering distance of Clachaig Inn (well.. about 20 minutes walk?).  There's the Glencoe independent hostel - stayed there before and can recommend it.  Or the SYHA one.  If camping, remember that Midges can be out too, even in May....  Or I can recommend a very nice B&B in the area for about £50-£60 for a double or twin room but you might want a taxi to the Inn.
Possibly count me in.                                                                                                                                                                             

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