25 to 35?

175 Posts | Latest reply on 02/04/2012 13:34:05 by tlrmick | Go to original / last post
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Right, myself and Nat were chatting recently and agreed we should round up all the younger folk and get together for ride outs etc. There are a lot of older folk on here, which is cool and all, but us young uns would also like to make some friends our own age. So, come let your voice be hear oh yonug ones!
madscots's Profile

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I think you'll find a lot of us don't feel old and can of worms this one

39 so missed by 4 years lol

I'll get me coat LOL
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ouch miss firestorm.... well i guess if you dont want any friends above 35 that is one way of doing it!!!!!
have fun Wink                                                                                                                                                                              
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Soz guys, no disrespect to anyone. Just would like to arrange to go for ride outs etc with more people around my own ages, and I know others feel the same. Hey, I'm always the youngest by far whenever I go to a BM meet, so i'm far from agest! Just trying to round up a few of the younger peeps :)
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Us 'been on the earth longer' people don't mind what age anyone is for our rides out, or what ability.

Rides I have dine have had 125's too 1000+cc bikes and riders of all ages, I think the youngest is 24 who rides with us, and abilities are always welcome :-)
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Geez anyone want a chill pill??? Anyone thought that yeah, us yonger folk don't mind at all riding with older folk, but would occasionally like to meet and ride with people a tad nearer their own age? After all, isn't this supposed to be a dating site and it would make sense to meet people my own age? FFS, no offence intended, it was a totally harmless post!
madscots's Profile

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No one is making an issue just saying it from their perspective same as you chuck Big smile

Site isn't a dating one though Thumbs Up just so ya know it's a community site.

For the record I see where you are coming from also and hope you get some names down Handshake
Sandi's Profile

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  My son, Shadz, is 26,  he's dating at mo and based in Plymouth but I'm sure if he lived closer he'd love to join other members, more his own age, for a get together. He gets on with older folk too but like you say LMF, if you're wanting to date it makes sense to hang about with folk nearer your own age.   I hope you get a group together, if you get an event organised submit it for the calendar yea? Please take photos, we (me especially) love to see photos of folk having a good time.                                                                                                                                                                               
Sandi's Profile

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  Site isn't a dating one though Thumbs Up just so ya know it's a community site.   Mad, BM IS a dating site, that's what it started out as, but as it's grown it's become a social events site. Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
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Finally, someone with sense! Thanks Sandi :) x
bomb doctor's Profile
bomb doctor

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@Madscots ..... I'll think you'll find that the site is a dating site and advertised as a dating site to outsiders. It's only when you enter the big BM gates, look around, get to know people etc that yes it is more than that.
@LMF ..... Good on ya chick and I can see what your trying to do with regards to gettin the younger peeps together.   The way I see it, and correct me if i'm wrong, if the younger peeps on here get to know each other more by meeting up, without theolder generation, it's a good thing. Maybe from that more of them will be more willing to attend the general BM events and rallies, because confidence in No's from their own peer group. I don't think what your doin is ageism LMF.   And I think us oldies should give LMF and her peers our support.   LL&R                                                                                                                                                                             
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Started out as one a while back but isn't now which what the conversation was about.

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Lil Miss Firestorm

Maybe get a venue sorted for meeting up somewhere on a good route and get it posted in the events as Sandi suggested.  End of month is best when most people get paid so usually better turn out also Thumbs Up

If you need a hand pm your local BM events staff member but any of us would be happy to lend a hand where you think we can.


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I was only trying to get some people to start chatting, see who'd be interested in a ride out or meet up and hang out at rallies. Then we all got side tracked into bitchy politics.

Was intended as a shout out to get some of the younger BM members to start chatting.
rossoandy21's Profile

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well said sandie & co....I can see fully where lil miss coming from...I for sure would love to attend a meet where all prospective dates under 35Wink                                                                                                                                                                                   
bomb doctor's Profile
bomb doctor

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Madscots I draw you attention to the bottom of this page as the link you gave took me to my personal facebook page.   'Biker Match is a UK social, events and dating website by bikers, for bikers'.   And on looking at the BM homepage it explains everything to how the site is now so I s'pose we're both right.                                                                                                                                                                             
rossoandy21's Profile

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HEHE only kiddin cause I fully spoken for!! (oh and just outside the age limit)..   Its a great idea and doesnt mean oldies excluded I sure.....Good luck gtn a bunch of folk together, I will remember when I PM any younger new member to say welcome and give emm yer contact if thats ok                                                                                                                                                                             
Alice2's Profile

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Good luck with that Miss F Thumbs Up

I've noticed quite a few young bikers on here but don't think I've met more than a couple. Sounds like a good idea to gather a few together. I always have fun at meets, but guess that my idea of fun might not be yours!!

Hope it works out for you. (If not, us wrinklies aren't too bad really!!!)                                                                                                                                                                             
missme's Profile

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I'm 35, with 11 yrs experience....can I play out with the young uns ? Ouch   Ouch    I guess not LOL                                                                                                                                                                              
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I get and Support the point.... I love riding with any age.... I enjoy having some my own age though                                                                                                                                                                             
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LMF - what a good idea, as with everyone else, I'll ride with anyone but (other than my brother) most of my biker mates are 40+

Theres nothing wrong with that, and I can chat with them untill the early hours about bikes biking and engineering, but the areas of common interest can soon dry up when your chatting to someone of another generation, different priorities in life n'all that!

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