Cleaning your helmet - how do you do yours?

40 Posts | Latest reply on 01/06/2011 03:02:24 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
Roachy's Profile

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As the subject states really. Do you do it, inside and out and how?   Any tips or dos and don'ts?   Edited to add - this is a serious question!! LOL                                                                                                                                                                                 
JP's Profile

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I cant belive your asking such a personal qustion                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
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 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!LOLLOL PMSL @ JP!  nice one!  xxThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
Roachy's Profile

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Come on tell all. LOL
JP's Profile

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Boss Mom does mine for me with warm soapy water and rubbing vigorously to get the dead flies off                                                                                                                                                                              
Roachy's Profile

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Sounds like it could be painful! I hope she soaks it first to soften things. LOL    What about the inside though, I'm more interested in how we all attend to the insides or are they neglected....                                                                                                                                                                             
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Deleted Member's Profile
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HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE THIS IS ACE!! started off in a miserable mood now i cant stop laughing!!.... for the record i clean the outside of mine with WD40!!   stopps bugs guts sticking to it!                                                                                                                                                                              
bandit lover's Profile
bandit lover

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My point exactly MM LOL   I used to clean mine, now I leave it dirty. It helps with the short term memory loss!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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i dont clean the inside... it dont realy need it as dont wear make up on face etc if did i think you can detach and put in washin machine...   the bugs on outside i just do with kitchen roll and cold water... all comes off no problem at all and takes no time at all either.... if badly engrained on put kitchenroll over whole front and leave there for a bit... or get the amazing V sponge... i had one freebee ages ago an its amazing at cleaning...   cheapest option tho... simples cold water and kitchen paper.....Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
bandit lover's Profile
bandit lover

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Wet wipes are also supposed to be very good (serious none seeking attention answer)
JP's Profile

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Dont clean the inside of mine if its gets a bit whiffy a liberal spraying with oust helps MM never thought of that will try it after the next wash  
Roachy's Profile

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I never heard of that that just the helmet, you wouldn't put that on the visor...would you?   Everyday wise our helmets just get the usual wipe over with wet kitchen towel but once or twice a year they're dismantled and given a good cleaning, inside and out in a bath of baby shampoo. That should say a weak solution of warm water and baby shampoo before someone tries filling their bath with just baby shampoo! LOL   It's amazing (read disgusting) the amount of crap that gets flushed out the vents and the muck that comes out of the linings.   The helmet feels so much nicer when it's been done too, seems to fit tighter again.                                                                                                                                                                              
bandit lover's Profile
bandit lover

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On a similar topic.   When I take off my lid, I always put my gloves and necktube inside it.   Then someone suggested to me that this was unhygeintic because my gloves and necktude probably contained all sorts of bugs etc and I was then going to put my lid back on.  It made me think about it I can tell you Dead                                                                                                                                                                             
BOBKAT's Profile

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Mine is a caberg matt black and gets all fingerprinty so mild soapy water is good for that, the inside I use an antisceptic wipe now and again (can't stop thinking about jps helment - put the thought away katie)  The visor, have a wee look at the thread I put on about anti mist sticks -  got brilliant tips from folk, best has been lemon juice mixed with washing up liquid or Auto glym.   Clean helmets of world unit Clap (and crashers Wink)                                                                                                                                                                             
Roachy's Profile

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That's a good point BL. I once hung my helmet from my mirror and my instructor went potty at me for the same reason. He used to say (and good for if the ground is a bit dodgy) put your gloves down with the palms up and sit your helmet on top.   I admit though, I often just stuff them into my helmet...can't be any worse than those who wear open faced helmets though and aren't bugs meant to be full of protein!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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i out the whole thing in the washing machine, rattles like hell but hey hoLOL on a serious note i use "ECLAT" "STARDUST", its what alot of dealers used to polish plastics on bikes before they go out, but i find its great on helmets too "stings a bit ", but it tends to make rain just run off your visor etc alot easier, highly recommended
geoffb2005's Profile

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Do you guys who never clean inside your helmets never wash your head or hair lol? Surely never cleaning inside your helmet is just as bad?

All the muck and bacteria on your head gets transferred to your helmet lining and as Roachy has said it's pretty gross seeing how much grime comes out of the linings.

But there is a safety reason for cleaning inside. Everyone knows that over time the polystyrene linings of a helmet will turn brittle and this is one of the reasons why helmets have a "life". And it is sweat, grime and bacteria from your head that is a big causation factor in this.

As such, regular cleaning of your linings ensures your helmet remains safe throughout it's recommended life.

Admittedly, it was an unfair example as this lady's helmet was well over ten years of age, but I've seen the result of brittle polystyrene literally snapping on impact. This caused her helmet to collapse around her head after getting knocked off her bike. In fact the entire front simply sheared off and she slid thirty feet on her face. It wasn't nice.
bandit lover's Profile
bandit lover

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I guess this was linked to what I was also told....makes you think, well it did me.                                                                                                                                                                             
harry worth's Profile
harry worth

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I use a helmet sanitzer spray for the inside, spray it on and it foams up lifting crud out then wipe around with a couple of clean towels. As Roachy said it seems to bring the snugness of fit back.                                                                                                                                                                              

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