It already is Ooop North!
Check out
Operating in Kirklees & York (Alice), about to roll out in the North East (Suzanne), with willing volunteers in Leeds(Geoff) (but sadly for us, no real requirement - I assume Leeds hospitals' transport services must work 24/7 anyway).
There's also a separate Humberside operation (Wheely?) called Bloodfast, but I know very little about them, I'm afraid.
You do have to have an Advanced Rider qualification to ride for WK though, although dispatchers (overnight phone answerers) and fund raisers are always welcome!! As are Sponsors. (How about it Matt?? You'd get a sticker on a big shiny white bike).
More national info at , but this doesn't seem to be comprehensive.
[I've no idea why all this is in italics! I blame Matt!!