The recent Bad weather has created all sorts of oncoming problems for the early spring bikers who want to get out and about,pot holes being the main issue,
If you see one,report it.
1) Ensure you have accurate details of the road defect in question.
This should include name of street or road and road number if possible;
location of defect i.e. outside house number; by pub name; church;
opposite lamp standard, other street furniture, sign etc.
2) Locate appropriate authority of the area,report the defect by phone, e-mail or their on-line response form. hich most councils have on line,
3) Ensure you have either contact name and number of person dealing with defect or reference number of defect report.
4) If the defect is not repaired within a reasonable time contact authority and refer to original contact or reference number.
5) If defect is still not repaired consider contacting your local Councillor, and take it further,
Don't rely on some body else reporting it!