Reading the posts about bringing back the death penalty and reclaiming Wales made me think why do we keep having elections and voting in a political party that promises everything and delivers the opposite?
When anyone complains about the government someone will say 'what do you suggest we do to improve on it?'
So these are my questions...
What do YOU suggest we can do to make our country better?
If we don't have elected parties what would replace them?
Deleted Member
LOL I was hoping for suggestions that would IMPROVE our lot not make it worse.
Deleted Member
no i am on a mission now kwak.......just sorting flyers out
Automatic disqualification from standing for Parliament to anyone who actually expresses a desire for a career in politics
Nah seriously though - we ain't so badly done by. I'd get rid of about 90% of the sodding cameras though. We're the most photographed/filmed population in the world. Has it reduced crime? Has it heckaslike.
Oh but NOW we can say "Oh look. The bloke what beat you up & robbed you is kinda grainy in appearance and wearing erm... well it's all a bit grey on this screen. Yeah. Grey hoodie and jeans."
All elected parties will let some people down eventualy it's only a matter of time............
Their problems stem from differences in Class (Tories looking out for their richer friends, Labour trying to undo the Tories "mates rates politics", and putting on the face of the "working man/classes" and the liberals getting splinters sat on the fence trying not to offend anybody but just coming accross as wishy washy in the real world) and the blaime culture each "new govt" use to justify their particular problem.
Instead of blaiming the last lot just own the problem and solve it!!
Labour's doing a fair bit of looking out for their richer friends too. The whole "Cash for Honours" farce has taken place under a Labour Govt
Party of the working class my big fat bottom!
Deleted Member
i think most of the parties have a few good ideas, why cant they all get together, the public vote on accepted policies and we all live happily ever after ???
LOL Ian and Wannabe
Nicely put Hull
(I posted this after Hull's post)
That's why I put that in Wannabe
putting on the face of the "working man/classes"
Anarchy and a complete breakdown in society is the only answer...
*goes out to garage and puts finising touches to Mad Max stylee Interceptor*
Let's roll.......
Anarchy and a complete breakdown in society is the only answer...
What, ya mean like on B M sometimes? lol
How about this for an Idea! Just roll over and let Europe decide all policies for Us as a satalite of "USA"
HELL YEH......................... LMAO
Brummie Jackie
O O if TC is goin Mad MAx stylee interceptors can i have a waterworld style jet ski thing pleaseeeeeeeee
Deleted Member
Bring in compulsory voting, then "we" as a nation would be responsible for whatever group of self serving twats get into power and not just the zealous party members (it would certainly make a lot of people think about how we are governed and by whom)
Responsibility shared means we can spread the blame when it goes up the creek.
Oo not for me ta Celticsilver, I don't wanna live in a dictatorship.
I don't wanna share the blame or apportion any I was hoping for an alternative to the useless and futile voting system we have now.
Deleted Member
As I see it, it doesnt matter who is 'in power', the country is still run by the civil service, who stay in the same jobs, doing the same things, with somebody different to take the blame when it all goes wrong.
MP's expenses? Why has nothing been done about blatant fraud? Because nobody in public service wants to rock the boat and lose all their own cushy 'perks?'. From police chiefs to Judges - Senior civil servants to tax inspectors(who should know better) they're all the same.
SO, dont just look at our oversubscribed political parties, start at the top and work down, slashing outragious claims, evening up public vs private sector sick/maternity/holiday rights, . . . . . Just reading this back I think ill get off my soap box as I'll never get a ticket to Utopia!
Im off for a ride!
Brummie Jackie
Never known a political party yet who has stuck to there election promises. I dont think it matters who gets voted in, you will never please everybody and those with the power will always look after themselves and there own first. Even at local level its who you know rather that what you know or your stance is.
The system works perfectly well.
We live in a democratically elected dictatorship