Ian.. having spoken to you, I think I know your reasons, I'm not going to beg you to stay, but as Geoff says, certainly all of the people that have been on the 'Thanks' thread are genuinely good people and like Geoff, I certainly wouldn't be friends with them if they weren't.
Let's stop the bickering. As its been stated before, there are many many occasions where events etc have occurred and only certain people have attended and the people involved have discussed it.... why should anyone one get upset about us talking about the good time we had? If people weren't there, then so what? sorry if that sounds harsh, its not meant to ...its just a bit tiresome when we have to justify something like that?
So please don't take offence, as for being agressive, I think you have interpreted that that wrong way.. As always the written word can be misinterpreted and often is. The best way to get to know people is to meet them, and get to know them properly.
You say you are not renewing your subs... you still have 2 weeks to change your mind, why don't you just take a step back, rethink and chill.
* This is not an attack on you, just me putting my two penneth in..agen*