Hello everyone I have a Husqvarna SM 125 S 2004 and it's got racing jets which are badly tuned.
My problem is that I rode my bike in the rain this morning and then it came home and tried to start it 3 hours later and it started for like 3 seconds and then cut out the first time and then it wouldn't start at all after that I did around 1/4 revs all the time for like 10 times and then it backfired at me.
I then turned fuel valve off and then choke completely off and gave it 20 kicks and then turned it back on also the choke and gave it 10-20 kicks WITHOUT REVS and nothing happened.
Any idea's? also I dont have a electric starter btw.
maybe the rain has got into the electrics??? Especially on them kind of bikes. With the really heavy rain uv had it could have got into the spark plug caps or something.
Spark plug is quite high out of the way of the weather hope it's not it as it's pain in arse to reach :( .. It's a dirt bike also so it should be use to water etc.
not necessarily. And with the hard rain it bounces into dodgy places that are hard to reach. See what its like after the sun has been on it for a bit tomorrow (if u get any).
When u kick it, does it spark at all (like do you hear the engine explode and power itself round for a turn or 2)?
If u can take the plugs out, you can check if there's a spark by holding it to the casing on your engine (away from the hole in the top of the engine). But don't do this without someone around to help you (Or check youtube etc for a vid on how to do it safely!).
Nothing happens at all. Just hear the kickstart trying to start the bike thats all
Shame ur not more experienced, cos u need to understand/hear if its sparking or not. Of if its just pumping fuel in
As Matt says bouncing rain can get into the damnedest places, does it run a standard air filter or by any chance has someone fitted a "performance" pancake filter or open foam K&N style cone? They can be an absolute swine when wet as a damp filter really restricts air flow. At rallies you will see loads of bikes with these filters with plastic bags tied over them to keeep the dew off.
thanks for helping him guys. If anyone lives in Rochdale/Littleborough and has a few minutes to help the kid then I'd really appreciate it.
Standard air filter as I'm aware of.
Paul, following on from the chat room, here's my suggestions.
It is liable to be just damp I think and repeated attempts at starting it have possibly flooded it.
So tomorrow morning spray the ht lead, spark plug cap etc with WD40. Give them a good coating, you're not going to hurt anything.
Leave it for ten minutes or thereabouts and then with the fuel tap off, try turning it over a few times with the throttle wide open and choke off. It may well try and fire here.
After that try the normal starting routine. I suspect it'll fire up.
If not, it's spark plug out I'm afraid. Have a look at the end, if it's black you're getting fuel so probably no spark or little spark. Clean it and check for a spark by holding the end against the cylinder head holding the plug cap with a pair of plastic/rubber handled pliers.
If you can see a spark, pop it back in and try again.
If it's white then you may not be getting fuel in there. Check fuel filters and clean if necessary. Check fuel is coming down the fuel line from the tank (pop it off the filter and turn the tap on).
If it's carbed check to see if fuel is in the float bowl (most bowls have a screw that drains them via a bit of pipe).
My gut instinct is that it'll fire after the WD40/turning it over with throttle open routine. But we'll see.
Post how you get on.
Thanks, I'll do it in the morning and let you know.
Ok. Good luck.
geoff, he doesn't have a normal starting routine because he's only had it 2 days and it's his first bike lol. Not only that but he didn't even open the manual and had no idea there was even a choke on the bike!
Paul, let us know how you get on today
Spark plug soaked in petrol, dried it out and put it back it and gave it a few kicks and it was still soaked when I took it out and nothing happened.
Also battery is quite low, full beam doesn't work.
If the plug was soaked the engine is flooded. You should try kicking it over a few times with the throttle wide open and the choke off to clear any surplus fuel. If the plug comes out wet after that it sounds like the float in the bottom of the carb might be sticking causing it to 'pour' fuel into the cylinder. No doubt someone will correct me if i'm talking bollocks but I remember having same trouble with my 125 many years ago. It's not a big job to sort if it is the float. Try the above first and let us know how you get on.
Forgot to mention, get the battery charged up too!
I'm not recieveing a spark hardly.
As RK says, get the battery charged up first. Then check to make sure you're getting a spark (plug out, hold against the cylinder head with pliers and turn it over).
If not, try a new plug.
If you are, then again RK could be right, it could be your float sticking. Try tapping the float bowl with a toffee hammer or similar (don't hit it hard though!).
It won't be a big spark Paul, it doesn't take a lot really but it needs to be a "strong" spark. You're looking for a positive sparking action rather than large, bright sparks.
It'll like spark once every 6-7 kicks but it's only weak.
I've orded a new spark plug it'll arrive on friday. I will test that and let you know.