As the title says really!

Myself and Geoff should be going.
Karey & me was chattin about that yesterday what time u thinking of being there for ?
Yeh I'm up for it, as long as my chain is ok?
We should be there for about 7:00pm to 7:30pm.
What's up with your chain Kaz?
Think i need a new chain and sprocket, its rattling like mad.
It seems to be loose with a tight spot. It's been adjusted and the wheel realinged but its sounded awful coming back from Squires last night.
Ah right, Geoff has said if you want to call at his on the way to Squires he'll have a look at it for you with the view to adjusting it but if that's been done I guess that's all he can do as a short term fix.
Hope you don't need a new chain and sprocket set though.
Well tony adjusted it for me when i got back from the farmyard, and he had a little ride on it, it seemed ok, but last night it jus sounded so rattly, especially going round bends and slowing down.
I don't know what to do, I don't even know if I can get a set to fit?! had trouble getting a brake lever! lol
Well if you're going to Squires tonight, will probably see you there.
Deleted Member
the chain is stretched kaz, if when adjusted it goes loose then tight, its ok to ride , but not for long as it could knacker the final drive bearing and wheel bearing
oh bugga !

I'm desperately trying to find one online..but nobody lists Zhongyu!
Dunno what to do as i have 65mile ride on Friday.
Emz has said he will fix it when i get there, but thats if i can get a chain/sprocket.!?
Kaz - try one for a GN125 - it should be the same I would have thought
I've thought about that Stells, werent sure if the sprocket might be a different size?!
Can u recommend a supplier?
Any good bike shop that isnt tied to a dealer should be able to help you, I would recommend a bike shop I know, but they dont do mail order!
Cheers FG, theres a couple here in tarn, but its the fact its a chinese bike that makes it hard to find parts.
Roachy...soz for hijacking your thread!
But if they are good, they can usually help you out by suggesting something similar that would fit... and yep, sorry Roachy for nickin yr thread, no I wont be going... lol
Kaz, ring up B&C Express. I've always found them to be the best when it comes to chain and sprocket kits. Just had a look at their website and they too don't list a Zhonghu, but I'd put money on them knowing what you need and offering you a good price.
As a comparison, they list a kit for the GN for £32.
Either that or ring Sprint Motorcycles in Wakefield. They specialise in secondhand parts for bikes.
Thanks FG and Geoff
Geoff, I've phoned a Chinese dealers in Surrey and spoke to a nice fella who suggested it could be the chain rattling against the chain guard, suggesting the guard may be bent in some way?
I am going to ride it to Squires tonight, so if you have your virgin (almost) honda toolkit handy then maybe you could have a quick look for me? I have got tomrrow off work, so if it still looks like i may need a new chain and/or sprocket I can look for one tomorrow.
Happy to have a look Kaz.
Thank you,
If you and Rachel are are Squires before us, then listen for Ziggy Ziggy Bang Bang approaching, I'm sure you won't miss us!
Deleted User
Sent you a text hon with details for a chinese bike spare parts importer, he does list yours as having the parts for ... worth a call if nowt else