Avebury - 21st December 2008

20 Posts | Latest reply on 01/12/2008 21:02:30 by Wannabe | Go to original / last post
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Is anyone up for a meet at Avebury Sunday 21st December?

Does anyone know if it gets overly busy, with it being the Solstice?

Let us know... and if anyone's interested, I'll submit it to the events calendar Smile

Hmmmm... *slaps self for unimaginative vocabulary - WAY too many 'anyones' in that lot ooop ^^^ there*


micksaway's Profile

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Think I may be able to take a run up Wanna unless snowed in.                                                                                                                                                                             
Triumph_Sy's Profile

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Gets well busy WB .....not that i've been there since the eighties mind!! ..( and definitely never got involved in the riots with the police n security when i was )Ouch *ahem*                                                                                                                                                                             
wildchild's Profile

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so i take it ur a good boy...arfur....tell me if i'm  wrong?

wildchild's Profile

In: cardiff
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Hi 2 u all any way. Hope ur all ok


Triumph_Sy's Profile

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Me?......of course i am!!.....and if you hear any different, it's lies i tells yer....ALL LIES!Ermm  hee hee!                                                                                                                                                                             
wildchild's Profile

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like it....LOL                                                                                                                                                                              
Wannabe's Profile

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I know it's a no-go area for summer solstice... that's why I thought I'd ask about winter ;o)                                                                                                                                                                              
Wannabe's Profile

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Can't make the 28th - sister's birthday.

14th is good... or first Sun in January instead?

What say you Mick?

As it seems to be thee & me thus far Wink With a possible other who's PM'd me on it.

njl's Profile

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Hi sorry not been on the keys much 4 a few days....!  Jan would be better for me, most of Dec hectic at work but Sundays are more feasible...however it pans out I'll try to come along!

Deleted Member's Profile
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P'haps there might be a bit more interest if WB promised to do her famous nekkid dance around the stones?Embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                             
geoffb2005's Profile

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I reckon me and thee ought to strip off instead XK and do a bit of a dance for the ladies ...... what do you reckon?   Although it would probably be worth making sure none of them are eating.                                                                                                                                                                             
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LOL One way to clear the site, for sure!                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Nekkid dancin' around the stones is an activity I very considerately only ever carry out at the dead of night and very much alone... The sheep have got used to it and there are rarely any horses/small children around to scare.

It's safest that way.

Many years ago we did frighten the bejaysus out of a couple of girls who were cutting across the stones on their way back from the pub though... A couple of buds and I were sitting behind a stone, having a bit of a chat over a smoke, as y'do... we decided to head back to the motor and go climb Silbury Hill to wait for the sunrise... so we got up and walked round the stone... the poor lasses thought we were some sort of weirdy aparitions or summat! They screamed their heads off, bless 'em!

Must've looked a bit scary - 3 silhouettes rising through the dark and the mists - little me in the middle, wrapped in a blanket, flanked by 2 huge long-haired 6'+ dudes in greatcoats! LOL
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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So... Erm... Scrap all that...

Who fancies joining me in Avebury on 1st Feb 2009?

Out of action for 6 weeks from 22nd December... could make it a sort of post-op/pre-birthday celebration?

micksaway's Profile

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Not sure about Jan as I will be heading off to work hopefully will have to let you knowConfused                                                                                                                                                                             
diamondsabre's Profile

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i could do Feb wannabe........ count me in!!!                                                                                                                                                                               
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Cool DS :o)

Not so cool Mick :o(

Although cool you've some work ;o)

We'll make this the practice run then go again when you're back - deal?
micksaway's Profile

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Im never sure when I will get the call so may still make it.                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Well if you can make it, don't forget my card & cake... It's my 29th dontchaknow?

Again... these anniversaries just fly by... I'd hate to think how old I'd be if I'd carried on past 29?

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