I've been looking for ages for a Gel seat for my Tiger, but with no joy.
So I'm now looking at buying some sort of seat pad for my bike.
There seem to be two types of seat, Air or Gel.
Is there anybody who used both, if so what is the best one to go for?
My arse is big enough with out implants
Brummie Jackie
Runs in the family Bro lol
There was a guy with a gel seat on his VFR at Pilly day when we went to Cat and Fiddle, and he swore by the gel seat. never tried one meself though.
I have a gel insert on the blackbird and its fine never had an air seat but nothing is air tight so it will leak over time. There are plenty of seat rebuilder out there who can do same thing with verios foam inserts may be worth talking to them before laying out money on a gel insert or pad
I was thinking the same about air seat leaking too.
Bob the seat on Ebay did the VFR seat mentioned earlier, well recommended
It was Paul from Ormskirk (555byker) who had the seat converted with a gel pad on his VFR
Cheers Imola I've had a look on ebay for Bob the seat, it doesn't look like he's on there anymore.
There's always the option of buying gel pad and doing the job yourself. I've never tried air seats but I know gel seats work really well from personal experience.
I can't do it myself.
Because I'm not allowed sharp things, Big Sis gets worried.
You can try the Corbin leather seat for a Tiger sat in my garage doing nowt...had it years used it twice..superb over long distances,just preferred the original style..:)>
All depends what year and model your tiger is,mine's an 885 steamer,1994
02, 955i
yeah that was him 555byker - well remembered.

Strangely enough got a photo of him and Jane on my 'Cat and Fiddle' album in my 'photos' on my profile.
Seemed like a really decent guy, not seen anything of him since despite only living 11 miles away
Deleted Member
I always think, when your arse starts hurting it time for a brew.
Seems to work for me.
Try telling Mistress Whiplash that...:/>