I like that one Feylin, 'apartments' ... never thought about it like that
Yeah bugs me that some people don't bother reading profiles, I don't even respond to 'em to point out their ill manners... its all good though, it shows 'em for who they are
Yeah Jinx have come across that before, it annoys me that age seems to matter before education, experience and work skills now.
Oh did you know that it is actually illegal for a potential employer to ask you/or try to find out at interview what age you are?
Not sure if illegal on app forms etc...
Why??? ....do the mainstream news channels talk about shite like, doctors(government) say we need more healthy diets (well bloody well outlaw fast food/cigs and alcohol then if you are so bothered but you won't cos you make too much money off some of those), and what 'celebs' and actors are up to, and not what is REALLY going on in the world at the minute? (I know the answer but just having another rant)
Yes I know 'tis depressing but it is reality.