The scuba charity I'm helping out are fully fundedby donations and their main event is on August bank holiday weekend. The raft race on Saturday and the duck race on Sunday. The races take place on the river in Ripon between the navigation pub and the lamb and flag. I was wondering if any BMers would like to support us with your presence either on a raft or on land, but it's going to be a fun day, with BBQ, cakes, home made produce etc. It's only £15 to enter a raft, and the water is only waist deep. It's a charity to help those with special needs and disabilities, they need £12000 a year to keep going. It would be lovely for a huge group of bikers to come along and put smiles on those faces that need us.
I will defo come up on Sunday to support, not getting involved, dont/cant swim and am scared of water. I think i could buy a duck or two!!
Will be up that way as zzrbabe n russ are getting wed on saturday in Malton. I might be able to persuade a couple of others to tag along.
Good luck with the raft race on Saturday, if sponorship is required i will defo do that for you.
Tab007 Your bound to find some fools on here that will bemore than happy to try and drown themself for fun
Thanks x
Not me your will need a big ship for me
TAB dont forget to put my name on three duckies and Rhianna on the other two; 451, 466, 480, 493, 500. I will get dosh to you asap (after payday!)
Big Ray, you could pop over on your bike for a burger and a laugh at those in the race?? Your ducks are reserved GBNP x
No one else volunteering to float gently down a stream or buy a rubber duckie then?
I thought there would be some brave souls/extreme sports maniacs out there who would be raring to join in the fun. Afterall, duck racing can be an exhilarating experience!
C'mon guys/gals .... Its for charidee!
I would have done it you cant beat going down a river on a sinking raft lol but due to my recent opp dont think it would be a good idea or I would be much use to anyone lol
Tab...You can put me down for a couple of ducks, but getting on a raft... er that would be a no
RB - just think of all those hunky men rescuing you from the water if you got stuck??? Lol
Omg. I'd give em a bloody hernia lmao
Tab have you had this put on the events calender see if we can get a bit more interest
No, I don't know how to JP?
Hi Tab, Go to events page, there is an add event button, as form will pop up and you fill in and submit
Will do, thanks
This isnt on events as yet, TAB, or if it is i cant see it... Lol.
ROLL UP, ROLL UP ...ducks for sale!
Get ya DUCKS here,
All for a good cause,
Going cheep,
Quackly once they're gone, thats it,
You would be quackers to miss this one!!
I have to admit, I've not got round to doing it yet ??
Ok - I've now put this in the events diary, and I still have 15 ducks left for sponsoring. So roll up, roll up, sponsor a duck for £1? There is a raft race, a swan race, bouncy castle, BBQ, cake stall, tombola etc on Saturday starting at 10am in Ripon - next to water rat pub! Sunday is the duck race starting at 2pm, again with stalls, BBQ, etc. This charity is wholly funded by donations, and achieves so much for so little.
Deleted Member
sounds like an awesome fun event and id love to be there and will get if I can if not tell me where to send a donation to and I will support your charity event with pleasure