Okey dokey, anyone up for a ride out round Angelsey?
We have two weekends after KISS to choose from and you can choose either the Sat or the Sun.
the weekends are 21/22 September or 28/29 September
Should anyone want to make it a weekend thing, I will happily look into this and get prices etc, if I can be given suggestions of decent caravaning/camping parks that would accommodate a group of us. Those who just want a days riding can then pootle over and join anyone staying over.
Having learnt from my first event, this time, once the route has been finalised, I will ensure that everyone gets a print out of the route, meet points, road names etc........
I will also bring string to keep us all together.....unless of course we can persuade Plumbski to wear hi-viz
Once a date has been picked (hurry up, its not long) then I will get it posted to the events page.