now i know absolutely no one on here ever breaks the speed limit but the average speed cameras on the m25 roadworks by clackett lane services include some rear facing cameras. Have just come thru them and thought i'd give a heads up.
They've been in the Surrey section of the M25 for ages, if you look at other side of the motorway you can see the cameras hidden in the gantries
Deleted Member
Duly noted .They must be all over the place
sneaky little hobitses.
95% of motorway cams across the UK are rear facing and are all mounted at the back of the gantry as said by ragnar but I have noticed if the opp carrageway gantry has no cams you should be safe. Don't take this as gospel lol but you can see them on your side from about 100 Mrs big gray box on gantry over each lane
this is about the average speed cameras - usually forward facing
There linked and can do both jobs so I have been told
The restricted speed/average speed/do what speed we tell you cameras on the M1 @Nottingham/chesterfield are gantry mounted and work. You can watch them flash at people on the other side!
average speed cameras don't flash. They are anpr cameras which calculate your speed between two sets of cameras. Each camera is only licenced to monitor one lane (theres a hint there) which is why there are more than one camera on each yellow gantry. Also because of their cost they often don't monitor the inside lane.