Midlanders visit to Squires

163 Posts | Latest reply on 27/07/2015 14:17:48 by Lindsay | Go to original / last post
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I agree with you Tab and i have rode for 35 yrs in all conditions when you have to do it its fine with the right gear,
But like you say if your not just down the road its a chore a few hundred miles in heavy rain to sit in a cafe
I to remove myself from this one.
Do enjoy all that go .
Lindsay's Profile

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As you said, each to their own. I dont mind what the weather is (although wind aint wonderful, but i do go out) plus i appreciate i dont ride as i am only pilly, i just love being out on the bike. If we say we are going we turn up come what may, probably people think we are stupid, perhaps we are ...

See ya there, whoever turns up. Looking forward to it!
havfun's Profile

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tan no 40,000 works
you get luvly tan and bike gets cleand at same time
Double six's Profile
Double six

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What's the forecast for tomorrow anyone?                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

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I predict optimism, frivolity and a generous amount of chinwag!                                                                                                                                                                             
Double six's Profile
Double six

In: South Kirkby
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So is the sun going to appear?                                                                                                                                                                             
Quietman2's Profile

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D6 according to forecast[believe when see] meant to be light showers developing to heavy rain at about 1500 hrs coming from south West. So might get Squires dry but damp going home.
 See you there                                                                                                                                                                               
Lindsay's Profile

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The sun will shine betwixt the hours of 6am to 8am, it will then become overcast with light drizzle until the gates of hell open and there will be a deluge of wet stuff around 3pm.

I am reliably informed there will be a dry 'window' betwixt 4pm n 5pm.

By the way, no amount of wet stuff will be allowed to dampen the proceedings as @Rileymtr will be celebrating the day of his birth!
havfun's Profile

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sun was shining well at 0530 and still is at 0800
VFR800AJ's Profile

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nutz to the weather -  c u later.  I'll find me own way...... I like a challenge lol    Get that coffee brewing                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

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The weather is fab atm, sat in garden taking in the rays, nice n warm.

See you soon!                                                                                                                                                                             
Vladamir's Profile

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According to weather forecast it's raining in Sheffield. I like this dry rain we seem to be having. Just been sat outside in my T shirt having a cuppa.
havfun's Profile

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still luvly and sunny                                                                                                                                                                             
havfun's Profile

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at 1130am luvly                                                                                                                                                                             
Triple955's Profile

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Just started chucking it down on the right side of the Pennines....                                                                                                                                                                             
bugsbunny's Profile

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Just back home from work hope you all have a good meet and drive safe.                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

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Just a quickie to say it was good to see everyone who braved the weather(!). 9 in total i think.

A good way to spend a Sunday with friends old n new, plenty of banter just the way it should be! Well done Quietman and AJ for making the trek, from West & South, it was great to see you both. Hope you get back safely. Stu forgot he was at mine n set off for his I think, hence the crazy dash down A1 South!! Crazy Fool! Clothes peeled off n in washer, showered n dressed ready for the next big adventure...

Riley do NOT eat those babies all at once, you WILL be sick if you do ;)
VFR800AJ's Profile

In: Sutton Coldfield
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Got back ok ta.................  persisted down all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Quietman2's Profile

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Home damp but good day out ta for welcome and company Clap
See you all at Kiss                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

In: Leeds
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Thanks for letting me know you both got home safely. It was a tad damp on the A1 wasnt it? I thoroughly enjoyed it though :)                                                                                                                                                                             

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