We weren't allowed an event listing, so there's nowhere to upload any photos to. Maybe next time.
GB, read my last post, page 6.
This event was submitted for the calendar at short notice, and short notice events are not accepted.
I have explained, a couple of times, that short notice events are just put on the event forum.
The reason they aren't added to the calendar is because they are short notice and most times folk don't make the event so doesn't seem much point adding them to the calendar.
A lot of events never get any photos added and one of the reasons for having the calendar is so folk can add their photos.
As I get lots of events to add to the calendar, and most of them need editing, it takes time so short notice events are not accepted and never have been.
XK has already PMed me about this and I'm waiting for the details so that I can add the event to the calendar so you can all add your photos.
Any more whinging and I'm takin the batteries out of your camera G B