why Terence, I have no idea what you mean..........
If i'd have kept all the pipes and lighters i've given away each time i quit i'd have a nice collection by now! lol
Not even going to try.
33 years behind the tab and proud of it, in fact smoking even more to make up for all the amateurs who are quitting.
good on you Vinnie thats just the kind of encouragement quitters
Deleted Member
At least Vinnie is being honest with himself.
Agreed RD but nevertheless to anyone trying good luck , i read an article a while back that the most difficult habit to kick is ciggie smoking and i'm inclined to believe that it is.
Deleted Member
I wish them luck as well Ex. It is hard i should imagine.
Maybe if they made patches cheaper then a packet of fags it would be more of an incentive. Unless they are now,i don't know the prices.
i used niccorete gum flying over and i still could'nt wait on landing , i'll give it a try again....sometime
Hey listen, us smokers should be lauded as heroes. we keep the country going.
Don't believe me, read on
£6 Billion in taxes paid in each year.
£1 Billion taken out each year - the cost to the national health to treat our self inflicted diseases.
Most of us die young so we aren't a burden on the state in our old age.
Even more money saved.
So rather than castigating us for our filthy habit, celebrtate us because in the long run we're saving you, the smoke free population, shit loads of money.
If smoking was banned the loss in revenue would mean everybody paying an extra 10p in the pound in income tax.
I want a Medal, NOW!, for my devotion to my country's well being
Patches are free now RD if you attend a weekly clinic and blow in the machine to prove you're CO clean. Just don't smoke within 2 hours of the clinic and you get a pat on the back and another wadge of gum, inhilators, zyban, patches and every other anti-smoking bo**ocks.
Vinnie what a great philosophy. I wonder if the government would consider prescribing us free fags and charging non smokers for them!
Throttle Jockey
Its a great feeling of achievement when you do give up though - I still feel elated everytime I think about it. I will never go back to the wicked weed. I wish anyone who is trying to give up the very best of luck. It is really hard so get as much help and advice as possible - your doctor will help and I tried the lot - Zyban did it for me.
Vinnie are those figures correct?? If so I want to apply for a rebate for all the years I smoked.. We should if we can get you on the New Years Honours list for your devotion to the
Tried zyban twice TJ, made me fags taste like sh*te so I binned the tablets, no contest
Seriously I'll say no more on this subject as there are probably peeps on here genuinely trying to pack in, good luck
If they thought there was money or votes in it, who knows.
Dav, I want a place in the House Of Lords, I think I've paid my dues.
Brummie Jackie
Vinnie for Prime Minister thats what i say
Why not, I can lie and bullshit with the best of them.
a lot of sense spoken there , "where" depends on the camp your in
Brummie Jackie
a lot of sense spoken there
was that referring to me cheers
Roaring Ruby
Gien up...Started agaig...given up.....etc....
Have now given up ,giving up.....
Twould be dangerous 4 me to give up,anyway...Id be a nightmare to others .......