Being Dumped

110 Posts | Latest reply on 13/11/2010 22:27:20 by paneurojim | Go to original / last post
suzed2805's Profile

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I was dumped in January at the age of 42 by text lol x it hurt like hell at first but ya know what - i can laugh ma t*ts of about it now lol x

Time and good mates - the best medicine oh and a nice bottle of Glenfiddich lmao x

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The worst way I was dumped was when one of my best friends blurted out he had slept with my girlfriend on a stag do when we were playing a game....he totally forgot I was there......

.....he wished he never said anything after that. Let's just say his lip had more than doubled in size! Bloody cheats! Can't stand them!
GinnyMay's Profile

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Was just reading through all of the posts on here and yes it sure does hurt, but there is another way of looking at it, if you beleive in fate and destiny, then you can take it that what happend to your relationship was what was meant to happen, and that the person you broke up with was only passing through your life to teach you things you needed to know, and visa versa,then you move on this way with all people, they touch your life in different ways and good or bad its all for our own destiny, we learn as we do when we are children, when we touch something that hurts we cry, we learn not to touch it again, and each bad experience makes us wiser, and hopefully teaches us that we are doing something that is not good for us. I hope this makes sense, this way of thinking always helps me, even when someone hurts me i know it is for a reason, and i learn from it, it somehow doesnt feel as bad then. Hugs from friends is the best plaster ever. x                                                                                                                                                                             
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Very true know what they say....everything happens for a reason!                                                                                                                                                                              
DG99's Profile

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What a lovely way of viewing it GinnyMay.  Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
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It's a good way of looking at it. Along the same lonely thought what if you get hurt and it puts thebarriers up as as GMay says as children we get hurt it teaches not to do it again. It is scary to think that we can be hurt so bad that if we are not careful and we could be hurt so bad or hurt someone so bad that they will never allow themselves to be put in position again. That would be tragic.

I still think the best medicine is to give yourself a break and have some time to yourself to heal the hurt before you can start to feel again or otherwise you won't give yourself or the other person the relationship you both should have. I guess it's the old get rid of the old luggage and lighten the load before you go on another journey
yamashirlz's Profile

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yes i got to agree with you on that one johnny,i always give myself time out when split with someone, you need to find yourself again but like there say time isa healer x                                                                                                                                                                             
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Yup you hear about people missing their ex... Maybe they should get those gun sights checked ???? Pmsl
WheelyNealy's Profile

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i was dumped last july  it was the worst thing ever   , , , ,     but one year on i realise it was the best thing ever ! things werent right nor would they ever be and now im living !!!!!       as somebody said afew pages back why live with some one who dosnt want you lifes too short move on to pastures new / green                                                                                                                                                                             
ghosthunter's Profile

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I think there is something probably more damaging than being dumped, we are all dumped for a reason and sometimes it takes months to see it.   I think its far worse to fall for someone you have no chance of catching.                                                                                                                                                                             
tonuptony's Profile

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true words gh true words                                                                                                                                                                             
VFRbabe's Profile

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If you love someone, set them free.  If they come back, they are yours.  If they dont, they never were.

Chin up guys, it hurts, but leaves the way clear for something even better xxxxxx
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Well after a month of the odd email/skype chat/phone call, I could not seem to make the right impression.

I have said a final farewell to the lady in question - still think she is great, so I bear no malice.

So, many thanks to you all for your words wisdom.
BOBKAT's Profile

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My late Mum always seemed to have some words or other in situations that were heart rentching.  Up here we call being dumped - chucked, she would say: "It is better to have loved and lost - than never to have loved at all". I truely believe that and agree with the others who said that everything happens for a reason, although it's bloody hard to figure it out sometimes lol. Life is for living, not regreting Hug future adventures, now that is exciting!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
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very true kat - its how i am looking at the situation.                                                                                                                                                                              
BOBKAT's Profile

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Good I'm pleased to hear that - let the adventures begin lol x                                                                                                                                                                             
savanna's Profile

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I hate the hurting, keep the walls up is my way, cant get hurt then!!! well thats the theory anyhow.  Deep breath , dust yourself off , glass of wine ,   good luck to everyone , be strong, Hug                                                                                                                                                                             
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I always think that if you look deep inside and say that your life was richer for meeting that person an you shared that thing then it was worth it as long as you don't let the break up get bitter, if you can part with fond memories and say I'm glad we met then it can't be bad....
savanna's Profile

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harder to feel good when you feel used Cry                                                                                                                                                                              
Boodyblues's Profile

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if youve been in the "used"catagory you should repeat after me,,,,shame on them not on me!! xx hugz xx                                                                                                                                                                             

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