OK its request time again and also, we are starting the Metallica debate today. What is the best Metallica song EVER? Tune in and find out what the listeners are voting for.
Brummie Jackie
Enter Sandman :)
I cant listen in today :(
I've just got back to being able to listen again at this time. Is there still requests ?
Just got an email from Mucka. Yep theres still requests, but its died a death here in BM for requests. This is a class station and enough people on here into rock music. Lets get the ball rolling again.
email him on
and get some requests going for the show, to make it worth his while checking in here.
Brummie Jackie
Mmmm what shall i request
How about a wee bit of Alvin and the Chipminks
invalid characters
Just a suggestion BJ, but that might indicate that your GP should up your med's!
already requested Titties and beer, but doubt you'd get away with it
Guns n Roses ~ November Rain
mm I just tried to access the TBFM website via the link, Matt gave us on page 1, and it's not working.
Thanks for reviving this Kwak, seems it went quiet over the winter.
Hope we can get it back on track and support the guys over at TBFM
Will they do any Val Doonican
PML @ WB, nope, no Val Doonican just rock, punk and metal.
That link works again now but I don't think their website has been updated since October last year.
invalid characters
Oh no, that's not the Val link you sent me is it Sandi?
I just NEED up-to-date info'!
Are BM and TBFM still sponsoring each other?
The last time I spoke to Mucka, he told me that it had virtually dried up in here regarding requests, and just to email them to him instead. It was'nt worth his while to keep checking in here and trying to hussle requests, whilst trying to run the show and deal with emails/facebook etc.
reading the last few pages of this post it sounds like a basic rock station, so can anyone tell me what its got to do with bikers.
most bikers i know don't want to be cliche, but be differant and not be seen as a headbanger that rides a bike or ride a bike so must listen to rock music.
bandit lover
Ragnar, it was/is a PR excersise and irrespective of what music you like, if they had it, they would do their best to play your request from postings on here and on FB.
I can't access BM from work anymore, otherwise I would still be listening to it during the daytime. Also, it gave one of our members a chance to 'turn the tables' and have her own slot on the show.
Trish I don't think that is accurate, the radio station don't play anything but 'rock, metal, punk' according to Matt's initial post. I don't listen to it cos most of the music isn't my taste.
Ragnar, most bikers I know like rock and metal music, unfortunately some of us (me) don't.
Drift, thanks for the onfo, I can't blame him.
Hey guys, TBFM is back online and with the lunchtime request show for BikerMatch still.
The link and radio panel on page one of this topic still works also.