Deleted Member
and they couldnt see up the road lmao
Bj you can't overtake a vehicle that is under police escort unless instructed to by the escort driver or 2nd man
Deleted Member
Could BJ's butt be charged with obstruction?
Deleted Member
she could be charged with blocking both sides of the road lmao
Deleted User
No her wide load warning signs and advanced notice to road users covers her for that (I can say that now I am winning on shrinkage! )
Brummie Jackie
i have mastered the art of reading u know !!!
Deleted Member
You have got a nice butt jackie..
i just want a ice cream from you lol
Brummie Jackie
clinton being as your the only one creeping ........ i mean being nice ... whats your flavour lol
can i have a 99 cornet with a couple of flakes in it please , failing that a mrs whippy ice scream
Deleted Member
Jackie a nice vannila cornet will do the trick for me hun..with a flake or 2 in it as well
harry worth
When I rode on IAM runs years ago there were 3 grades of ride which anyone could go on [ you decided how capable you were] and a class of run for full IAM members only, that run plus 1of3 was full overtakes up to lead rider 2of3 was overtakes decided on the day 3of3 was no overtakes. Overtake anything else anytime, obey all marked speeds UP to uk max signs then 1?? mph within reason. Groups were always 20 to 40 strong.
Overtaking within the grout is a double edged sword. If one rider overtakes another then it can to the person who was overtaken trying to regain his place in the pack.
This is where collisions happen and I have seen it on a BM run. I got between two riders who always like to ride together because I got away faster at a set of lights. The person i got in front of worked their ass off to get in front of me. I let then to sake my own neck as they would have made a mistake sooner or later as they had become goal fixated.
On the other hand you may get a rider who wants to drop back and beckons the rider behind to overtake. At the end of the day it is all about commonsense on a ride out. Unfortunately my patient report form book is full of names and addresses of bikers who do not have any common sense at all.
I've read these posts with some interest over the last few days, having first read the OPs ride out post and I'm a little confussed.
It clearly states in the ride out plan that it's a 320+ plus mile ride over some challenging roads and at speed. So to me common sense says it's for experianced riders, with well maintained quick bikes who enjoy getting it lent over a bit in a bend. Nothing wrong with that in my book but what I find odd is that some people are suggesting that maybe they could slow down or wait every now and then for slow riders to catch up. Now my days of fast riding are gone, the reactions just arn't up to it these days but I do beleave that people should have the right to ride to the edge of their ability and if the type of trip is clearly defined than what right has anyone to say they should slow down to cater for less able or experianced riders.
We all ride but we don't all ride the same way or enjoy the same things so why begrudge someone their pleasure.
your absolutely right Gloom if in doubt don't go, find a ride to suit your ability that you can enjoy.
if you feel you would like to do the ride get the route of the organizer, find a friend to do it with you and do it at your own pace on a different date but find turn of points were you can cut the ride short if you have to
harry worth
I've just remembered Paganprince you could only overtake once rider in front gave an ok signal, so it was use mirrors properly and give way to faster riders.
Well said that man (gloom).
I thought the ride out was very clear in its intentions.
Gloom, I'm not sure if you mean I've confused you but I agree with your post.
ACB, I totally agree, the intentions were 110% clear.
Deleted Member
Good post gloom mate makes sence to me too
Deleted Member
I was thinking on joining in?
But then, no - This is a Fast ride.
Love to do it, but as a medium speed.
Any takers?