I charged my camera batteries a couple of days before so I didn't have the same problem as you, Kwak and bashed off plenty of pics. I'll try to put some of them on the site when I have time.
My batteries were fully charged Cata, just the wrong sort for my camera, I forgot I need some Lithium, trust me to have a camera that needs expensive batteries. Well, expensive to me and can only buy them at 'Boots'. I can't seem to find them anywhere else. Altho expensive they do last a long time.
I look forward to seeing your photos, Cata, thanks.
I didn't think the show was small, my legs agree with me lol.
Altho I'd never ride a scooter I particularly loved the different styles and colourways to the modern ones. Not usually a kid-friendly person I think the ones that were there when I was were quite well behaved considering how boring it must be for most of them.
It was great to see some of the young uns (future bikers) taking up the offer to have a go on the off-road bikes tho I wasn't impressed with one of the two guys who was supposed to be supervising them, he kept looking at his mobile phone and then left the track to give a 'short interview' to some woman with a notebook.
Also not impressed with them offering the show guide at extra cost, especially as it was in with the price some years ago and an extra charge to see the Motocross show didn't impress me either.
Like £17 to enter and £8 (£7 if you prepay) to park a car aint enough to pay out before ya get there.