Into the Valley

69 Posts | Latest reply on 03/05/2010 22:39:31 by 6ypsy | Go to original / last post
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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Dry and bright in east riding so far                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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just stopped hail stones here,,,,looks like it might brighten up a bit !!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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Bright in Barnsley, South Yorks,..   Wish I was going with you guys..   have a great weekend!                                                                                                                                                                                 
Deleted Member's Profile
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Plenty more events/rallies throughout the year karey,,,I'm sure you will manage a few of them............                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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This weather has got 1hour to get better,,,,its absolutely lashing down up this end at moment!!!!!bike and gear been outside since 7.45 this morning !!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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Yeh for sure Craig, just a crap month moneywise  :o(   Can't beleive its still lashing down.. hope it stops soon!                                                                                                                                                                              
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

In: Hobbit HQ
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Fingers crossed th erain stops and have fun all those that are going :)                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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rain has just stopped,,,,,,,,hopefully for good........will be leaving about 1130 ish.........then straight to seaways cafe.....then off to the "valley"                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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Nice one Craig!   Ride safe..have fun everyone !                                                                                                                                                                              
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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Were was every one then just 3 BM riders meet on Fri. night, me cw and xk, saw another 5 bmers in other groups and 2 turned up on saturday. Just 10 in total, there were 36 marked up to go. A good rally but the turn out was poor.                                                                                                                                                                             
GSXpat1400's Profile

In: nottingham
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Hi all, i turned up but only just read the threads about going lmao!! i had a great time and will be going to farmyard i went with a mate from work who's been going since it started lol...............                                                                                                                                                                             
6ypsy's Profile

In: Clay Cross
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Sotty, but didn't meet up cos I didn't know any meet arrangements and didn't see anyone I recognised. Couldn't make the one en route as I didn't get away from work til 1.   Don't know about the turnout, but don't blame anyone for giving it a swerve, it was bloody freezing - May an' all!                                                                                                                                                                             
BOBKAT's Profile

In: Burns Country
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6ypsy sorry I didn't bump into you - know what you mean I went on the search of bm members, so many folk though, did meet a few which was good - great rally though had a blast, chilly so the bonfire was a treat.  Hullrider, you did a grand job keeping the fire toasty on Sat night!  Have never done the valley before, will definately be there next year again.  Bessy and the Zinc buckets were stompingly good as always.  Good to meet Hullrider, cw, bikabill and of course Doh boy who kept me right on the run down and back again.  Ben Hur rally next weekend .........season just gets better lol!!!!!!!
Doh Boy's Profile
Doh Boy

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Hey Bill, you saw me on friday night and i travelled down with bobkat. No one saw much of me unless you were coming in as I was on the gate most of the weekend. We were very lucky with the weather as all around people were reporting very bad rain and hail. As 6ypsy says unless you have meet before it is almost impossible to meet up with others on a rally site. I guess we need T shirts or stickers for the bikes?                                                                                                                                                                             
BOBKAT's Profile

In: Burns Country
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Howdy Doh Boy, have you thawed out yet? I conked out for two hours when I got in - feel great now though.  We were really lucky - it just started raining when as I got back.  Won't need much rocking to sleep!  Great rally!!!  Bikabill, there was a suggestion of some sort of flag - that would definately help or we could all were red carnations lol! 
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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Me and cw were there early and saved a spot just behind the marquee for people, if you swap phone numbers you can ring each other when you get there to find out where there are if you want to join the BM group                                                                                                                                                                             
Hull750Rider's Profile

In: Hull
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Yes was a pity that a few BMers could not make it to a great rally lots of positive feed back about the new site too,   sorry if I missed anyone but, I saw Kas Chunky Chick Bikeabill CW BOBCAT (who says I'm the only one who looks like his piccy lol get that a lot!)  Triker100 and XK at the bonfire attempting to erm help me put wood on the worse for ware! (not a good combo drink and fire,   but as far as I'm aware no one was hurt on my 5 hour stint looking after the fire (basically there was an earlier incident of some logs being caber tossed into the fire (ohhh look at the preeeety sparks) but unfortunately these allegedly damaged several of the traders marques, so I was asked to go take charge of the fire and to feed it as carefully as poss whilst performing my duty of care to my fellow rally goers, I went and had a chat with the traders 1st and assured them I'd do my up most to prevent a repeat of said incident, one had had enough and decided to pack up there and then, pity as I just about managed to keep any more large embers being thrown up into the cross wind in his direction, only three logs were tossed onto the fire in my 5 hours by enthusiastic ralliers but I had a quite word with each explaining what had happened and they said they'd not do it again so all in all a result, was nice that one of the more aggrieved traders came up as she shut her stall for the night to thank me for sticking to my task and if I needed a tea I'd just have to ask I said I would but I'll not leave the fire side till the wind dropped or I was relived of my post at 2am Sunday as I left a bit tired from my labors I also had a few folks thank me for keeping the fire going (I was helped by a few good friends who also used the fire for a warm by bringing the logs a lot nearer the fire! So thanks to them too or I'd probably be in a far worse state than I feel now lol)                                                                                                                                                                             
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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good fire Andy you did a great job, i stoped there all night. Sorry to miss you xk but i packed up early and came home, your right Doh Boy you and Bobkat were among the ones i did meet. Lets get it right for Farmyard and make it a big BM Meet                                                                                                                                                                             
6ypsy's Profile

In: Clay Cross
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I went with a load of people, to celebrate a birthday, so no worries, I wasn't on my own Bobcat, certainly no mistaking us if we wear red carnations though lol!   By the sound of thing I must have come close to meeting you HR. I had 10 mins by the fire Saturday night to thaw out before I went to bed, I take it you were the trooper loading the fire up, good on ya!   I've been so cold all weekend I was doubting my future as a rally goer but have just got back from A and E having had an asthma attack, and apparently I have a chest and ear infection and I'm running a temperature, so perhaps I'm not such a neshie after all. Phew, life in the old girl yet! Just need to master keeping the bike upright, bugger!                                                                                                                                                                             
Minnie the Minx's Profile
Minnie the Minx

In: Cheshire
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Fab fire Andy. Kept nipping across for a quick warm but could only stand it for a short time...fortunately my eyebrows survived! It was still going when we left at 12 on sunday. Really good rally                                                                                                                                                                             

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