i had a severe back problem for a few years was terrible, gps know fk all about back ok ask a seriously good physio!! i had prescription drugs that not only kept me awake i also lost my appetite and developed a dependancy on them, i cured myself in the end!! substitute the prescription for a large dooby and buy your self a tens machine!! best twenty quid i ever spent, also eas up on all the activities your doin way too much your goin ott, your muscle tissue will not heal, keep it moving by slow and soft non impact movements, pushing your body will only prolong the pain, get well soon matt xx
oh p.s take up tai chi matt, ive been doing it for 6 years now and it keeps me flexible with no stress on my back,its excellent if you wake up and have a stiff back/shoulders to do 30 mins of tai chi, without swords first !!lol x