What is the solution?

51 Posts | Latest reply on 23/08/2009 15:56:24 by Sandi | Go to original / last post
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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*fitting spark plug to petrol tank of Interceptor in anticipation of PD's imminent raid*     Thanks for the Presidential offer - do I get a jet?                                                                                                                                                                             
pondlife's Profile

In: Bristol
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jets ok but please dont choose Dan Quayle as vice President!                                                                                                                                                                             
excalibur's Profile

In: york
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Can somebody please explain why leaders dont have the balls to get things done right ? the only one who did get things right for a while had a valid reason for not having balls ...i'm fn confused !                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Kwak can find anything? Has she tried looking for WB's driving licence?   *chortles*   Did I not mention I found the blessed thing? A day after I'd been to the Police Station to tell them I couldn't find it! LOL Oh dear... the flapping around that caused... not allowed to surrender it to them cos their paperwork had already gone off... all terribly complicated apparently Stern Smile                                                                                                                                                                               
Cataraptor's Profile

In: Redditch
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I believe that the two biggest problems in society which dictate how this country is run are risk aversion and one size fits all conformity.  In my previous life in the motorcycle lobby, I frequently came up against these factors. Add this to an adversarial party political system of Government and completely skewed values, it's hardly surprising that we're in such a mess.

From a motorcyclists point of view, road safety and the legislation that comes from it needs to go down a different path. The preoccupation with so called speed management and increasingly automated enforcement urgently needs to be replaced by an attitude of taking responsibility for ones actions including by the more vulnerable road users and more emphasis of enforcing good standards of road use. The EU should be allowing more subsidiarity in its member states i.e. applying local solutions to local conditions. We then wouldn't be lumbered with the amended Second EC Driving Licence Directive and its daft test or the forthcoming Third EC Driving Licence Directive bringing a complex 3-tier system.

The police "service" should also be reformed or put back to where it was 30 years ago but with more accountability to ensure that the actions of its officers are equitable. The main problem is Government targets which encourages the sort of political senior officers who want to crack down on this and crack down on that to show the public and their political masters that they're doing something while merely spinning their wheels. Just look at the resources wasted by that plonker in Warwickshire or the nonsense in North Wales from Brunstrom. Surveilance and automated enforcement has its place but should not be misused as it is now with more concern about someone taking a leak over a Christmas tree than a mugging. It also needs to be used as a supplement to policing rather than a substitute as it is with the plethora of speed cameras at the moment.

And finally, there should be less political correctness with quotas for certain groups and so called positive discrimination. Everyone should be treated equally without discrimination or favouritism. Justice should not only be done but seen to be done.
Deleted Member's Profile
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The government,police and any other dept that is supposidly concerned with the mass population are not held responsible for their actions.They are also underfunded and concentrate on generating money instead of sorting the problems.Bring the armed forces back from wars and political disagreements that are nothing to do with us.Spend the money on jails (this creates construction work as well) for the drug selling arseholes that ruin families and destroy lives.No human rights when incarcerated,they should be earned not given and sort out the pensioners who have been descriminated against for years.Jobs for all instead of jobs for the rest of europe.We are all living beyond our means attempting to keep up with the American puppet masters of which we seem happy to serve.Look at the likes of Switzerland ! look after themselveS and do a bloody good job of it as well.  REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY ANSWER !    Thumbs Up Hurry up though i`m 51 now !                                                                                                                                                                             
punkdude's Profile

In: hastings
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TC have already packed the wire cutters anticipated your cunning plan having a slight problem finding a Z1000 with a ugly fairing so you might be safeBig smile                                                                                                                                                                             
pondlife's Profile

In: Bristol
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I know an ugly bird with a z1000.does that count?                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  LOL pond   Thanks jockwalian and Cataraptor excellent contribution Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                                     
Deleted User's Profile
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For me it would be stop trying to make rules that suit some & then making 'alowances' because of colour, belief etc etc.   Yes we have become a multi national country however our rules sould be abided by not altered because of what someone would be allowed to do if they were still living elsewere in the world.   I could not go to certain countries & walk round in a bikini top & mini skirt because it would be against thier laws, I could not claim that ... well I can do it at home so I can do it here.   They should remember you can please some people some of the time but cannot please all the people all the time & stop trying to be so Censored  PC.                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  'our rules sould be abided by not altered because of what someone would be allowed to do if they were still living elsewere in the world.'   Well said Shell Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             

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