Deleted Member
i have said i wont again....but who knows.....not long now exc !!!!
Aaaah, I don't think its all about us women moaning RK.... Fortunately for me, husbands no1 and 2 were really nice people, and I am still good friends with number 2, the kids father. In hindsight, things could have worked, but nothing happens without reason I guess.
Currently, on paper, still married to the current ex... only got three more years to wait until I can divorce him!
Having now been single for six months, and initially being scared of that, I have learnt to enjoy the independence, but as harleybabe (I think) said, I do on occasions miss the TLC. As for DIY and lawn mowing... at first I was convinced I couldn't do any of it, but am pleasantly surprised now, because there is a lot I can do!
Ian... I also keep saying never again! But as Pondlife said, I still believe that there is someone out there for everyone. The key for me is to not look for him, and just live my life for me and the children. If he exists, no doubt we'll find each other somewhere along the line.
C x
Deleted Member
diy and lawn that a play on words.....sorry cissy, my mind is so bad !!!!!!!!!!
lol @ ian... no, its way too early for plays on words!!
wow what a can of worms this has opened lmao!!! I agree with you pond, nice to think there is someone for everyone and as for making allowances for the male species........................mmmmmm not sure about that, each to their own but maybe, long as they make allowances for us lmao!!!! I prefer to do my own lawns and DIY, for the things I cant I have a strapping son, son-in-law and some good friends, which is all I need for now! Ive found the males Ive met so far want everything done for them in return for doing very little and equal relationships dont work that way!!!! Anyway, close friends and family most important, the rest a bonus but as long as you're healthy, happy and enjoying life, what the heck lmao!!!! Interesting subject though uh everyone!??
Just one thing you shouldnt forget
Nothing succeeds like a toothless parrot
Hi babyharley (sorry I got it wrong first time lol)... yes I agree. Family and friends are way more important, and in my opinion tend to stick around for longer! (Or maybe thats just me!).
I worked out a while ago that I am one of those people who are 'in love with being in love'...and quite often, when a man says those dreaded words "I love you"... I run a mile! Right now, I don't know what I want to be honest, so it works for me to do nothing and get involved with nobody.
Fascinating discussion though!
no probs CS - fascinating discussion indeed but so sorry to hear of so many unhappy endings for alot of ppl tho! Yep, family and true friends always there no matter what, and best plan is to rely on no one and be as self-sufficient as you can - you know where you are then and anything else is a nice surprise and a bonus rather than a big let down and a disappointment lmao!!
Roaring Ruby
RE Relationships:
On my own with son for 21 yrs ..took a long time but grew to love the freedom..Then WHAM....
Sometimes what u are looking for is under your nose....How many times have I thought oh yeh!
Man in question lives next door..Single...(never saw him for 17yrs..he is so busy) And the BEST BIT he has got my bike fixed up & ready for the road!!!!!. Well a girl can only take so much temptation.. Attatched now for 2 days YES.
Deleted Member
nice one rr, pleased for you
Always good to hear a good story Ruby!!
You often hear the term 'loner' ..i cant be like that it would drive me nuts , i'm not the best communicator anymore and not very talkative but i thrive on company , and could not see myself ever being a loner.
Nice one Rube!!
I know what you mean about under your nose,I went out with a moustache for two years!!
good on yer Ruby - long may it last!!
I'll bet Hull didn't imagine in a million years his complete p*ss take would result in a Jeremy Kyle show!!
No wonder us men don't understand women
Hull you've completely gone up in my estimation mate
well most of us women dont understand you men either RK so I guess we're even there lol! Good to talk as they say though.................
Absolutely , saying things here i normally keep to myself , nice to be able to look back with no bad feelings and look ahead for a change .
bh you're absolutely right there and altho i'm takin the mick a little I do have the utmost respect for both of the mothers of my children, even the miserable arsed selfish *&/"**$%!er that doesn't speak to me lol
exc you know what they's good to talk!
Well that's nice to know RK and ditto! I still hope my prince will come one day, even though I dont bother looking or waiting for him and the only ones I met so far are frogs and very dodgy/damaged ones at that lol!!! You gotta have hope and just keep moving is a journey as they say, and for some of us, it aint always first class lmao!!!