Double six
I can't access the latest private message I have received although I can read messages I have received over the last few days. This on my desktop pc. Haven't tried the laptop or the phone as I am about to turn in for the night and I am not faffing around trying different things.
Hey Matt, I don't use my laptop as it's a pfaff setting it up and taking it down again.
All I know is I recently cleared out a lot of stuff from my mobi (in fact most of stuff!) and it's working really well on everything else I use it for.
At times the site seems to 'stutter'; it starts to open then, stops, then starts again. Progress is slow and it's not a smooth transition.
Double six
I have logged out and logged in again, still cannot open messages I received last night.
I only use an iPhone 6s Plus and Safari browser. For many months pages very rarely open unless I use the refresh !?!
Profile photos often don’t show on screen !?!
I'm having problem with speed of loading and then it buggers off and reloads, also would like to know if the 'post a reply' icon could be moved to the bottom of the page? At the top means I have to scroll back, not a problem when I'm not using the Borrowers courtesy phone
Cheers Matt
Just found the post a reply icon at the bottom but only after I'd posted my comment.
I only have a mobile no computer or lap top /tablet or whatever else there is
Just fixed a problem with new pms. I screwed it up working late last night. Lesson learned...Don't write code when tired
GL Blue
Hi guys thanks for the info and laughs.I'm no techno but i have actually sussed out how to log in and out(with help).As said by panuo it seems that up north there is more going on than down saf and when a lot of events are up north it does seem like a long way to go for a short time.As for dating i don't expect to find anyone, i just like to have wizz round the site to find out what's going on.
Gl blue there is the lower lode camp in September I know it's not round the corner at a guess it's about 130ish fron you but definitely worth the trip Barmouth camp aug bank holl weekend is a fair bit more in time as its all a roads but they great roads to ride
GL Blue
Thanks JP but at the moment i've got my nose stuck in my 1930 citroen and it's difficult to drag myself away.Will have a word wth big bro see if he is up to it.
PMs- fixed
Lindsay & 555byker - Please go to Click on the copy link and send to me so I can see some techy info about your browser etc
GL Blue & Pan - why not get together and set something up? Maybe a ride out once a month. You need to understand that it's enough work making the platform - I can't organise everything all over the country as well (around my day job and family). The site is a platform for you guys to organise ride outs, camping, BBQs -whatever. If multiple people in the same area complain there's nothing happening close by - then you need to remember that you get out of the site what you put in. Surely one of you guys can plan a route and add it to the calendar? A mail will go out to everyone nearby automagically.
GL Blue
Matt don't know about pan but i couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
Hey guys
let me know how the site performs now for you.
I made some big changes to the foundation of the site. No promises that it helps - it might even make it worse lol.
Please provide some feedback so I know
Well blimey!! i really must do less work and more BM trawling...imagine ME not getting my twopennyworth on this subject..I had a minor glitch last night trying to read some PM's sent me,but all seems fine this morning....not had anybody message me lately about problems viewing my photo albums,or that the "Apple/photo" quantity was back again...i really must stay in more....if you're going to the Barflys Rally this weekend,i've posted up some photos from previous events as a taster..:)> I'll be at the Lower Lode Chill and Barmouth Camp too (It's YOUR round)
Matt,try not to stay up too late,you're getting big loops under your eyes!!,And stubble is not trendy,assuming you're shaving now,pmsl ;)>
Anybody wishing to fight can leave their coats(and wallet) for me to hold,2 falls,2 submissions ,or a knockout to decide...xx
Lol's all very i am a complete technophobe,so all of the above went straight over my head.I will keep muddling my way through as best i can,and try to make some sense of it all...seem somehow to have managed so far!! Great site,great people.
Just a quick hello! 👋 to Molli. Hope all is well and you are getting out n about a bit more. Take care 😁
Well, got my phone back today from repairs so it's working a treat. (for now)
Looks like it may have been the courtesy phone Alcatel one touch aka Borrower's phone causing some of my on line problems. Looks like I've jinxed it 🤣🤣
That'll teach 'em to loan me a toy phone 😋
But everything ok now? What phone and browser are you using?
Well, got my phone back today from repairs so it's working a treat. (for now)
Looks like it may have been the courtesy phone Alcatel one touch aka Borrower's phone causing some of my on line problems. Looks like I've jinxed it 🤣🤣
That'll teach 'em to loan me a toy phone 😋
It's running so fast and smooth, I'm in danger of a nose bleed, or whiplash.
Nokia 6, only bought it 11 months ago and it's been sent back 3 times.
I can't remember lol. Seriously, I'm having memory problems, worse than is normal for me lol.
(Maybe I should have my name tattooed on my arm again🤔)
Quote: Matt
But everything ok now? What phone and browser are you using?
Well, got my phone back today from repairs so it's working a treat. (for now)
Looks like it may have been the courtesy phone Alcatel one touch aka Borrower's phone causing some of my on line problems. Looks like I've jinxed it 🤣🤣
That'll teach 'em to loan me a toy phone 😋
Quote: Lindsay
At times the site seems to 'stutter'; it starts to open then, stops, then starts again. Progress is slow and it's not a smooth transition.
Was this by any chance always with the "my account" pages (where the inbox is on one tab)?
I just fixed a database index issue which will make it 83% faster