Well, are you sitting comfortably... I won't really list all my pet hates otherwise BM subscriptions would plummet due to death by boredom, but ditto to all so far, apart from the criticism re parent and child parking spaces, you try lifting a child out of a rear facing child seat in a 2 door car when you can't open the door fully cos you're in a normal width parking space. Anyway, here's a few of my gripes:
Bods who leave you standing at a counter because the phone is ringing. I have once rung up from the queue cos I was sick of it.
People who don't know how to queue (especially at a bar), so I do tell them off.
People who push in between you and the supermarket shelf that you are obviously stood looking at, I have been known to wedge myself between them and the same shelf.
People who don't have the courage to say what they mean, but rather than keep quiet, just lie, so I point out when they are contradicting previous comments.
Bullies, of any form, except me.
Lorries that overtake then sit in the 2nd lane doing the same speed as the vehicle they are overtaking, I just have to put up with them, they are bigger than me.
Drivers who switch lanes when it's not clear, if possible I return the favour further down the road - stupid I know, but satisfying.
Drivers who can't drive, what can I say, but I would like a zapper sometimes.
Reality TV programmes, I get enough chance to watch idiots perform without the TV.
People who talk about reality TV programmes, especially in the news - WHAT!
Adverts on the BBC - unless they drop the license fee.
Newspapers getting away with twisting the facts on page 1, and printing a retraction on page 91.
People who think they know everything, nobody does, not even me.
People who think they are always right, when they clearly aren't cos they disagree with me.
People who moan constantly
I'll end there.