Its open from 9am to 5pm...
How about mid/late morning? Not sure how long its gonna take to get up there, park, etc!!
Deleted Member
Im going to be there just after 9 and will be there till it closes so name the time and place and Ill be there
Bad new is I can't make it! Doh. I'm at Silverstone with the car on Saturday and have the kids Sunday.
Had my old account good and truly hacked where and what time is everyone meeting me and my son will be there just after 9 and will proberly stay till closing
Sorry we couldn't make it... packing and clearing, ready for moving house next Saturday, had to take priority... but hope those who went all had a great day and didn't max out your cards too much!
Monkey, Wiccan & Titch
Great day was had by my son and myself though we didnt recognise anyone from here there maxed the credit card to the limit till it melted lol
Now sitting her thinking did I really nead a new helmet and skelliton face mask and the answer is YES
Nice one Ray! Glad you had a blast! I'm looking forward to MotorcycleWorld in the summer and hoping that NOTHING stops us attending that one... been to 2 now and its a great day!