Thanks Dixi, you can send a donation via the SDA website, I think it's or Google scuba diving for all and it will give you the correct address.
Deleted Member
will look it up or just pass on some money for the pot with someone that might be partaking in this mad fun stuff from my neck o the woods . watch me end up on asda site or something lol. lot to be said for being a dolls head lol
That's great, thanks very much x
bump this back up
Ok I've still got 2 ducks left for sponsoring?? On Saturday there is the raft race starting at 10am, so many people will be getting wet! There is also a cake stall, Bbq, and fun things for all to do. On Sunday the duck race starts at 2pm. It's due to be great weather at Ripon this weekend, so bring your bikes and pillions for a burger, a muffin and a coffee or beer, and have a chinwig and a bimble around the river and maybe ride to manor cafe or squires later in the door?
Today went well at the race, we even had the US navy turn up, but they didn't win! Lol hope to see some of you tomorrow at the water rat in ripon at 2pm for the start of the duck race. I thought I might bimble over to route 59 cafe beforehand, as long as I can sort the slow puncture out! Lol
See ya there :-)
Lovely to see everyone yesterday x