thanks Jen, Jackie & everyone else for your messages. Am still trying to get everything packed yet keep the weight down!!! arrrghhhhh Have been panic buying 'stuff' & to top it off my laptop went tits up on me the other day so am having to but a new one!!!
Am driving down to Vix's in Kent tomorrow & then we fly out Thursday evening from Heathrow.
The adrenaline has already started flowing at the thought of this 'trip' & I can't think straight (ok.....nothing new there then lol) so Spesh is going to help me sort all my kit out & get it packed in some sort of order when he gets home from work tonight....Royal Navy style packing lol
We're not too far off our target, however if anyone fancies sponsoring us, you still can. Anything, no matter how small all helps
Just go to
Remember, 1 in 3 of us will be affected by Cancer at some stage & Macmillan do a great job & rely solely on charity!
Stella xxxx