Hello all.
I am a recently returned to biking old-ish chap (been away for 32 years) and am therefore a bit out of the loop. So, please may i be so bald as to take advantage of your superior knowledge?
I've been looking for a set of leather jacket, trouser and boot combo but being the OCD chap that i am, want them all the same make and to match. I looked at the 'Hein Gericke' leathers but eventually decided that they were too stylish or modern looking, i want something more traditional and classic looking, with a good pedigree but also matching.
Eventually a long search led me to 'Bikers Paradise' gear, i like the look of it and as it's outlet is in Coventry, i can ride there and try on their goods to fit.
So, all in all, it looks promising but (and this is where you come in)...
..has any of you had any experience (good or bad) with said products and/or producers?
In anticipation...Thank you...
Holmfirthgirl knowledge of their stuff - BUT if you like it, it fits you & the price is reasonable & it's got proper certified armour in it then go for it

Just check out the seams/stitching to make sure it's not likely to tear apart on the slightest tug.
icey busa, bikers paradise in coventry is quite a small shop but do good leathers, they do boots and gloves as well, they also have an alteration service in the shop and will shorten trousers if needed.
I have had leathers and gloves from there and have been very pleased with them and would go back again....hope this helps
hmmm = they do an alteration service do they???? that's worth bearing in mind

(being a short arse! lol)
ye they do stella, n they very good as well, give us a shout if you coming over this way n come say hi
A massive thank you for both of your replies. I must apologise but sleep has won the battle and i need to succumb to shut eye right now but promise to return tomorrow to answer your posts.
Thank you again for fast and informative responses.
Best regards and good night wishes...
Ps..i lived in rednal for many years at the foot of the licky hills. Still have a house there that i rent out [/small world]
Dear Holmfirthgirl
Thank you very much for you advise. I had checked the stitching and it says it is double and triple stitched. The armour is abundant and carries all the approvements, it moulds to your shape as you use it, so becomes more and more comfortable with use.
The reviews were very favourable but then they can be easily manipulated, so tend to not take much notice of those.
Nice to meet someone from rednal (cut above the rubery, shame i didn't find you before i moved but hey-ho, nice to meet you now anyway.
Best regards and warm wishes...
Big Al..
Hi Icey,
I've had BP leather jeans for a few years now and they get better with use. They are good quality and comfortable. They have built-in armour in the knees / hips.
I too have bought from Bikers Paradise. The only issue I ever had was a belt loop on a pair of leather jeans coming unstitched. They were more than happy to fix it.
I mostly bought online but went there twice when I needed to get a correct fitting for a pair of boots, and when looking for a pair of jeans that were long enough in the leg for a giraffe like me. Best they could do was suggest leaving the legs unfinished without a hem. Small place but good variety.
The only negative thing I recall was that the leather grade varied a lot. You could find one item in a given design with a coarse(r) top-grain leather, but further back on the rail you'd find the same in (a smoother) semi-aniline. Worth checking a few out to get the finish you want.
Good Evening Big Al.
Hope that you are well.
Many thanks for your recommendation. The 'getting better with use' was what i understood from their write-up on the armour they use, has a kind of memory heat moulding function that fits to your contours better the more you use seemed very impressive.
Another thing i liked was that all the armour came included in the package off the peg, not just a pocket for, that then you had to purchase the extra armour to fit in.
The trousers i liked the look of have armour to the knee, hips and shin areas. They are the 'warrior' make/model/class (same with boots and jacket...all 'warrior')
Your post is very much appreciated...
Hello desres.
I am quite unsure about buying online. It would be far easier for sure but i've always had problems getting items to fit my arms, if they fit the torso then the arms are too short, or if they fit my arms there's room enough for two of me in the wanted to go in person to try them on first.
I think that the mark of any business can be seen by how they manage the bad, any fool can make a customer happy who wants their wares, it's the follow-up service that shows their true colours (in my humble opinion). I am happy to hear that their reviewed gold star service has not been exaggerated.
If i should go there, then i will most certainly pay attention to the nap of the leather.
Thank you for the time and trouble you have spent in posting your recommendations and experiences.
Best regards...
Well..i've finally made my mind up (''about blummin time'' i hear you say).
I'm going for the Biker Paradise leathers (jacket, trousers and boots) of the models called 'Warrior'.
Having now sorted out the influencing finances that were keeping my purchase of leathers at bay, i now know what i have to commit.
It is now just a point of arranging an appropriate time/date to go to Coventry to get the right size.
Thank you very much for the help of all that have offered.
Best regards and kind wishes...
If you are going over let me know will meet you there!
Good Evening My Friend.
I most certainly am! going over. It has to be on a Sunday, Monday of Friday, as these are the only days my sister can cover in my absence should there be any emergencies arise here at my parents. I've got to check with her as to which day of which week would be best for her but it'd be definitely within the next three weeks.
You want some boots don't you, have you checked their website?
Best regards col...
Deleted Member
Great little shop and the owners are very helpful. Only have a waistcoat from them and agree on the varying grades of leather mentioned above. I believe they also do a made to measure service if you cannot find anything to fit just how you want.
They are not as ridiculously expensive as some either!
I will be going near end of March.. if you can wait that long we can have a "does my ass look big in this" par'tay!
Big Al..
Hi Icey, let us know how you get on. I'd shop around for the boots - make sure they are CE approved. but the leathers are worth checking out.
[quote= rockchickeelicious] I will be going near end of March.. if you can wait that long we can have a "does my ass look big in this" par'tay!

Good Evening rockchickeelicious.
Hopes that you and little one are well and have enjoyed a throughly lush weekend.
GLol at your par'tay theme. I'm afraid my skinny backside (or 'no backside' as my ex-gf used to say) would be a poor par'tay goer. Having said that, any excuse for a par'
I'm not sure if the end of march will be too far away but must admit, as soon as i get myself level with bills, another one rears it's ugly head demanding attention. Finances may push me back till then anyway.
Best regards and the warmest of wishes...
[quote= Big Al] Hi Icey, let us know how you get on. I'd shop around for the boots - make sure they are CE approved. but the leathers are worth checking out. [/quote]
Hi Big Al.
Thank you for your advise and i certainly will let you know how i get on.
Best regards...
You are so politely lush.. it's refreshing... Stay that way hun