Brummie Jackie
AN increase of motorway speed limits has been proposed with a rise to 80mph in a bid to boost Britain's economy by reducing journey times.
The 10mph increase is set to go under consultation later this year with a view to introducing the new limit in 2013.
Transport Secretary Philip Hammond said last Thursday that the current limit was 'out of date', the 70mph speed was introduced in 1965.
"Now it is time to put Britain back in the fast lane of global economies and look again at the motorway speed limit which is nearly 50 years old, and out of date thanks to huge advances in safety and motoring technology," Hammond said.
"Increasing the motorway speed limit to 80mph would generate economic benefits of hundreds of millions of pounds through shorter journey times. So we will consult later this year on raising the limit to get Britain moving." The transport Secretary added that the current speed limit is almost redundent as 50 per cent of motorists routinely break the law by driving at 80mph, adding that the current law is being undermined and 'it's the law that needs looking at'.
The move has come under criticism from lobbying groups for road safety and environmental campaigners.
Stephen Joseph, chief executive of the Campaign for Better Transport, believed that the change would increase costs for motorists, add to pollution and increase road casualties. He added: "Responsible motorists know that driving steadily at or below 70mph is more fuel efficient, reduces jams and is safer."
Green Party spokesperson Jenny Jones called the proposal a 'mad idea' adding that putting the speed limit up will be worse for both fuel economy and emissions.
Environmental campaigners have claimed that cars driven at 80mph will produce up to 25 per cent more carbon dioxide emissions that at the current limit, although not revealing the vehicle that the study was conducted on, it's clear this is a worst case scenario.
Deleted Member
The move has come under criticism from lobbying groups for road safety and environmental campaigners.
ie. the boring old farts.
Give them their pipe and slippers, and tell them to leave those that want to enjoy life alone!
I've always wondered if cars would get re-geared to make them more efficient at 80, or does it not work that way? That said, if people are routinely breaking the law and driving at 80 how does this improve the economy by decreasing travel time? Perhaps all these more fuel efficient cars are upsetting them by reducing their fuel duty income ;p
Well all I can say is trucks are all programed to run at there best at 55mph even though the speed limit is 60mph the 56mph is due to the EU demanding that trucks are fitted with a limiter set at 56mph
Deleted User
The transport Secretary added that the current speed limit is almost redundent as 50 per cent of motorists routinely break the law by driving at 80mph, adding that the current law is being undermined and 'it's the law that needs looking at'.
So if lots of people break the same law then we should change that law so that it doesn't get broken ??
What will be next ?? The smoking law reduced to 14 ??? ... Drinking age reduced to 16 ???
Since when have we change laws cos it suits the law breakers ??
Deleted Member
When cars first came out, what was the speed limit?
Gotta keep up with the times, I think.
safety and stopping distances have all improved dramatically since the inception of the current speed limit so it woud make sense to raise the limit as far as i'm concerned
so (can't believe i'm saying this ) i have to agree with XK
harry worth
Higher limit suits me, but driving standards and forward planning have plummeted since limit was first set. How many people do you see indicate properly if at all when moving into an offside lane, its usually 1or2 flashes and over, 6 is the accepted minimum.
Stephen Joseph, chief
executive of the Campaign for Better Transport, believed that the change
would increase costs for motorists, add to pollution and increase road
casualties. He added: "Responsible motorists know that driving steadily
at or below 70mph is more fuel efficient, reduces jams and is safer."
so we 'should' campaign for a 50mph limit... yup, can see that working :D
Deleted Member
what a load of crap. economic benefits in 2 years crap. we need them now. most people on motorways go 80mph, except granny and grandad and they shouldnt be allowed on motorways. minimum speed should be 65. crawlers cause accidents. another gimmick to get camerons lot re elected. there should be no maximum speed limit. if you dont like it stay of the motorway. simple.
Once again the logic of polictitians has me baffled. If motorists are already routinely breaking the law and driving at 80mph raising the limit to 80mph will not decrease journey times, but the country will lose out on a lot of revenue from the fines it won't be getting. Might as well raise it upto 100mph and save me the bother of having to keep an eye out for speed traps.
Deleted Member
IMO doing 50 in a 30 zone is far more dangerous than 90 on a motorway
The insidelane should be resticted to trucks,; if u cannot overtake at 70, u shouldn't be on the motorway.
It's already 130 here in Holland and in most EU countries now on selected/high quality motorways only
Deleted User
hahahah theres the thing tho Matt high quality motorways
Deleted Member
Wot a cracker!
what's a cracker?
Deleted Member
Top totty!
in my photo? haha. Yea indeed mate!
Deleted Member
R u bringing her?
Who hoo!
bandit lover
XK, this is exactly why Matt wants to take his lady to a hotel or B&B.
The competition from you would be far too much for him to handle