The bikers nod

28 Posts | Latest reply on 24/03/2011 20:54:23 by ayjay | Go to original / last post
bikerbitch's Profile

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In Europe people tend to wave with their left hand, which is more relaxed and obvious than nodding. It doesn't work very well in the UK so we nod instead.But,what is the significance? and do you give the nod?                                                                                                                                                                             
Big Twin's Profile
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I sometimes  drag my leg a la Europe it saves getting a bad neck if there are several riders aproachingBig smile
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drag ya leg?? i stick me leg out if im tellin bike behind to go past Big smile well not right out or i might knock em orf ....LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
madscots's Profile

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easier to wave abroad due to them riding on the wrong side Geek

I think a lot of it is more down to the type of bike u ride..

Sports bikers nod as it's easier to do that when couched over their bikes

Tourers/Cruisers etc  will wave as we have a more relaxed riding position on our bikes so makes it easy to do so.

The leg wave is mostly a German thing to do and I've  never worked it out.  Yanks will wave and show a peace sign as they have one of the best laid back approaches to biking Handshake

The only exception to all that are most Harley riders (not all) or HOG members (Scottish lot are terrible they don't even like each other never mind other bikers) as they have delusion of grandeur me thinks.  Censored
Ragnar's Profile

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if i nodded to all the bikers i pass while riding around London,   I could get myself part time job as a nodding dog.   On a motorway I'll wave or nod depening on my mood.                                                                                                                                                                               
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you may find answers here:;page=1   perhaps Matt could combine the threads?                                                                                                                                                                             
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I always nod, would feel very rude if I didnt !!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
gatvol's Profile

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Probably won't nod at everyone - just as I wouldn't say hello to every single biker in person. 
If I recognised the bike I probably would lift a couple of fingers.....

Besides I'd be too busy concentrating on what I'm doing and trying not to crash.
yetanotherdave2's Profile

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I must admit that after recently passing my test i wondered what the other bikers were upto! now i nod at anything that goes past, although there was a point when i wouldnt nod at scooters....but were all bikers right???                                                                                                                                                                             
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Dave .. Congrats on passing

Wait till you have done couple of weeks riding solid then get into a car ... And find you still nod at a bike coming towards you lol                                                                                                                                                                             
suzyamki's Profile

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I think there's a hierarchy  going on. One time most bikers nodded at each other. The Harley riders dont nod at anyone but their own, the  sports bike riders generally don't nod at cruisers, and hardly anyone nods at scooter riders. Shocked
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your right suzyamki - when i was on a cbr400 all teh sports bike riders nodded at me..... now im on a harley they dont nod!!!! Wacko  seems a shame to me but hey ho so long as im smilin while im riding they can stuff it really hahahaha...still seems a shame tho as like ya say we are all bikers...Handshake                                                                                                                                                                             
pinkstorm's Profile

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It depends how fast im going Evil Smile x
geoffb2005's Profile

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I tend to wave rather than nod.  Very good reason for this ... once I nodded to another biker and my head fell off!  It was very inconvenient.                                                                                                                                                                             
RobL's Profile

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"once I nodded to another biker and my head fell off!  It was very inconvenient."

Don't you just hate it when that happens!!  Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
BOBKAT's Profile

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I nod or wave to any 2 wheeled machine riders - since I got a Harley I don't get acknowledged even though I have made the first nod lol.  I admit that most Harley riders are guilty as accused - we are not all like that honest.  I really Censored me off that the majority of HD riders are so up themselves.
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The last nod I received on here has disappeared!! How did that happen?? Wacko                                                                                                                                                                             
mr t's Profile
mr t

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littlechick have a new nod to replace the lost oneThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
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awww thanks lol Thumbs Up much appreciated... I just don't understand how it disappeared!!!.maybe these things happen if people leave the site??? I dunno Ermm                                                                                                                                                                             
Honda hotlips's Profile
Honda hotlips

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I acknowledge every bike - not always returned. Had my first ride out in the dark this week, biker coming towards me..nod /wave he aint gonna see me ;-(.. but he winked ! well flicked his indicator on..i've learnt something new ;-)                                                                                                                                                                             

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