Deleted Member
Lost another mate on new years eve only 40 years old, so why do we look for somebody, life is just too short to waste time, ride bikes drink beer, and be with somebody life is just too short for all this hate in this fookin daft world we live in, to all out there live to ride.
Sorry to hear that hun
someone i know..died early hours this morning..
he was playing footy with kids ont green yesterday, right as rain.
they think its a suspected heart attack.
he was only in his late 50's
You're damn right... get out there and enjoy... life is too short....
Commiserations..... its awful to lose someone close and/or know of someone too young to die.
So too right, we should all try to enjoy life while we can instead of moping around being miserable and I'm going to try to adopt that philosophy myself this year !
Thinking of you both, and their families
Deleted Member
When i stand in the front of the gates i want to know why, what is wrong with this world , think im a bit fed up now why is it all money why are not people nice anymore if this is it i don't think i can be aresed anymore.
Sorry to hear about your mate, I've lost far too many friends well before their time - but if you learn to live more, something good will have come from his death.
In the meantime, from your comment above you should read:-
Chin up bud!
AD, so sorry to hear of your loss. I can fully sympathise with you. Dont know what else to say x
Minnie the Minx
Nothing to add AD but thinking of you....and it's just s**te sometimes
Lifes too short full stop, we should appreciate everyday we wake up and see the sky and sun shining but we don't...
Life is to short and im sorry to hear of your loss Act......i to have lost two people this Xmas, one to cancer and the other hung himself....
All i can say is do what you like doing and do it now don't wait and say later......
And if your feeling sad give someone a call and pick yourself up.
Make this year the best ever for you and the people around you.
Catch you out there somewhere this year.
Very sorry AD .... message me and if a hug will help at all .... sooooo sorry xxx
same here, boxing day for me, lad 10 years younger than me, and just getting his life sorted, re married 2 months,
been definatly one of those years,
find i can`t be bothered with idiots,
but getting to understand the true value of life, friends and memories.
good luck to us all.
Deleted User
Sorry to hear your news AD & Kaz.
Losing somone just before Xmas I know the feeling ... Yes life is too short ... Concentrate on the joy of their lives tho, not the sadness of their passing ... Big hugs to you both.
Hey AD..thinking of you
Hang on in there and reach out to your buddies. You've certainly cheered me up thro some grotty days with your hilarious/bizarre (!!) posts on here and I'm sure there are loads of us on here sending you positive vibes thro the ether.
Ride safe mate XX
Deleted Member
Feck it mate, we should and need to be arsed, we owe it to our friends and loved ones who have died or been killed to live our lives to the fullest, we owe it to them because if a person wants to sit around mopping wasting their life away I'm sure the departed would have gladly swapped with you..... Secondly you owe it to yourself, what's the point sitting around saying one day I would like to do this and that, just do it, or something get up, pull your fingers out your asses and go do what ever it is you always wanted..... The only person stopping you is yourself ..... Live it and love it one chance at it.... No dress rehearsals
That is so true John ...... I have lost friends and family and have struggled in the past to understand why .... But keeping them close and living my life to the fullest is the only way I know to make their passing easier. Not one of them would have wanted me to give up on life.
AD its never easy when we lose people from our life but remember the laughs you had together and keep those memories near.
Deleted Member
Exactly friends and loved ones would kick our asses if they thought we were gonna give up and mourn ourselves into a bad place, don't mourn a passing celebrate the life they had remember the laughs and the smiles raise a glass have a cry but don't waste away your precious moments of your life in a bad place it's the last thing your loved ones would want for you...
To Actdaft & Kaz
and to everyone that has lost someone. There is no rhyme nor reason for what happens at times. After my own loss of a mate who hung himself just after the Farmyard last year and then one to long term illness, my thoughts now are live each day as if it could be last, don't fret over things that are outwith our control and treat and we want to be treated in this life. Most importantly, don't waste the gift we have been given. If anyone needs a wee blether, please do not hesitate to pm me. I found it helped me greatly, that's what so nice about this site. Katie xx
a smile can make someone's day.....very simple to do, and would make the world a better place if more people did it xxx
AD and Kaz, im very sorry to hear you lost a mate.
And Yes life really is too damn short as iv found out in my life, i'v lost family, over 10 friends and my wife and im not even 26 yet, so yes life is way too short to hate, be miserable, sit around going woah always me and what not. You have to grab life and live life to the fullest you possibly can, other wise not only is life a waste but also insulting to those that lived life as much as they could to find it was cut short.
Live life not just for yourself but also for those you have lost