21 Posts | Latest reply on 17/01/2007 17:19:34 by RC| Go to original / last post
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In: Holyhead
Posts: 3991
Children's Science Exam Answers.
Q: Name the four seasons.A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.
Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.
Q: How is dew formed?A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.
Q:How can you delay milk turning sour?A: Keep it in the cow.
Q: What causes the tides in the oceans?A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.
Q: What are steroids?A: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.
Q: What happens to your body as you age?A: When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.
Q: What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?A: He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery.
Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.A: Premature death.
Q: How are the main parts of the body categorized? (e.g., abdomen.) A: The body is consisted into three parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain; the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels, A,E,I, O, and U.
Q: What is the fibula?A: A small lie.
Q: What does "varicose" mean? A: Nearby.
Q: Give the meaning of the term "Caesarean Section"A: The Caesarean Section is a district in Rome.
crafty gwen
In: Derby
Posts: 409
That was brill hun it had me choking on my breakfast with laughter. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In: Holyhead
Posts: 3991
Glad you liked it hon
In: Derbyshire
Posts: 7960
brill rube made me chuckle
In: derbyshire
Posts: 2326
brill rube wont be showing jak them cos knowing him he would use some of the answers just for the laugh factor !!!!!!
In: Holyhead
Posts: 3991
Thats kids for you........... rofl
crafty gwen
In: Derby
Posts: 409
gawd hope all my grandkids grow up to be as witty pmsl
In: Rotherham
Posts: 372
Here just one for you
Q What does benine mean?
A It's what you are before you are ten
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