tyre recommendation

22 Posts | Latest reply on 21/04/2010 19:17:11 by JP | Go to original / last post
kaw600's Profile

In: Doncaster
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could any one recommend good all round intermediate back tyre for ninja zx6r thanks                                                                                                                                                                             
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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Bridgestone BT-21 maga miles and the grip of a sports tyre                                                                                                                                                                             
geoffb2005's Profile

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Wow, the age old question!   Tyres are often a matter of personal opinion, some people swear by one make whereas others will hate it.   And indeed different bikes can make a difference to tyres as well.  I was always a bridgestone man, but when I tried them on the big ol' CB they didn't feel right at all.  Turns out reading the owners forum that the CB puts too much force through the front during braking especially (combination of big, heavy motorcycle with ex-fireblade brakes).   As such tried the Michelins recommended by the tyre dealer, a make that I'd never really liked and they transformed the big gal.   I'd be tempted Kaw to give a good tyre dealer a ring and see what they'd recommend.  Otherwise Bridgestone 021s are very good, I think the Michelin Pilot Road 2 is very impressive indeed and I've heard a lot of good things about the Dunlop Roadsmart.                                                                                                                                                                             
finbarred's Profile

In: calne / chippenh
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Avon Storm's grip in the wet and dry also giving very good mileage.  Cheap for a top brand too, without resorting to something dodgy.  In the winter I run them on a GSXR1000.                                                                                                                                                                              
timhall's Profile

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My bike has BT021's on they are very good. My last bike Zx636 I had Road Pilot 2s. Both are godd and give what I think you're after. Good grip and decent milage. I think any of the latest dual compond tyres will give good results.                                                                                                                                                                             
Cataraptor's Profile

In: Redditch
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I've used BT020s on my Bandit and Falco replaced by BT021s on the Falco and Road Pilot 2s on the Bandit. The Bridgestones gave good mileage and plenty of confidence on a track day which was wet at times. The Pilots are OK so far but it's early days and initially didn't feel as planted as the BT020s they replaced. I can't comment on the BT014s on my new (to me) ZX-9R since it's early days.

My understanding is that unless you are mega fast, sports touring tyres are the best bet since they warm up quicker than sports tyres and give a better mileage. The tyres that I wouldn't wish on anyone are Metzelers. The Falco came with Sportecs and I had rear wheel punctures - 1 potentially catastrophic, in the first 10,000 miles. I believe they have a weak construction since it never happened again with Bridgestones.

You referred to a rear only, Kaw, but make sure your tyres match so you may need a new front while you're at it.
Deleted Member's Profile
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Bridgestones all day long !!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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have the BTO14 on my mag. wheels, you won't need the extra grip but they do were out a lot quicker                                                                                                                                                                             
RustyKnight's Profile

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kaw before you go and spend a fortune on 'known' brands have a look at the Maxxis. There's a thread on it on the forums and loads of info on the net. I've done a couple of thousand miles on mine without any hitch and some of that at very high speeds and in the wet. I saved £85.00 on the pair compared to my Bridgestones and they're a better tyre as far as i'm concerned. They're wearing better than the Bridges and feel really grippy with a nice profile for cornering Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
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No contest in my opinion ! Having used Bridgestones,Michelin and Metzelers in the last few years if you want a tyre that does everything it says on the box then it has to be Avon Storms.Wet,dry no probs !                                                                                                                                                                             
kaw600's Profile

In: Doncaster
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thanks for all your imput gone for avon storm will let u now how i get on with it thanks all                                                                                                                                                                             
Screaming Eagle's Profile
Screaming Eagle

In: londinium
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hey kaw 600 i see u have gone for the avon storm, perhaps try avon vipers next. these tyres are well cheap but dont let the price put you off i run these on my zx7r now instead of bt014 and the avons are a far superior tyre     ....zx7r best bike on the planet....                                                                                                                                                                             
finbarred's Profile

In: calne / chippenh
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What were Bridgestone doing with the BT014:

1)So-so in the wet

2)Wears and squares in no time

3)Bloody pricey

Avon Vipers all the way for sporty, Avon Storms if you ride the road owney!
Screaming Eagle's Profile
Screaming Eagle

In: londinium
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true what yr saying used to run these on my 7r which is not exactly over-endowed on the BHP dept,crap mileage on them and square off too quick.the avon vipers have hardly squared at all and they are down to the wear indicator,according to avons sales guff they say as the bike leans the contact patch on the tyre increases,so suppose this gives a more even wear over the tyre
Kawasaki extreme's Profile
Kawasaki extreme

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Stick to Bridgestone.  Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Rob1050's Profile

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Spent the last 7 years on Bridgestone BT020's. Was quite happy with them, tho the front's used to wear slightly oddly. Switched to BT021's when the 020's were phased out.   These wore faster on the sides than the centre ! Complained to Bridgestone, who did nothing.   So I switched to Avon Storm's. Best thing I ever did. Better under every condition than the Bridgestone's. I know what I'll be using next time round.Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
WheelyNealy's Profile

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i recomend black rubbery tires works for me !!Thumbs Up but ive used allsorts over the years and to be honest bridgestone all ways work the best from new dunlops cr#p new hate metzellers all though avon allways prety good too !                                                                                                                                                                             
sdv9r's Profile

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  TYRES buy them try them if you like a certain type stick with them if not change them.....
  How you ride my suit one or other brand....also you will sometimes get the same tyre and its not the same as the last pair on feel or wear added to that the different road surface..TAR AND CHIP...HRA...SMA. will all effect your bike and the temperature to, saying nothing of bad weather.
 IF you are new to bikes and don't know stick to manufacturers recommendations or the up grade and always do a few miles to warm up your tyres before trying any heroics.
My choice BRIDGESTONE sport bikes   MAXIM supermoto         MICHELIN touring     BRIDGESTONE trailbike     
Deleted Member's Profile
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pilot power 2ct's or pilot road 2's. tripple conpound. got 5k out of mine are blade and 4k on r1. we sell 4:1 against the bridgstones in our dealership. £240 fitted.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Just replaced the pilot 1's i had on the VFR with a set of Avon storms, only done 60 miles at mo but first impressions are very good.                                                                                                                                                                              

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