A494 North Wales - watch yourself guys, just in time for the bank holiday!!

32 Posts | Latest reply on 24/04/2014 20:42:07 by Julestools | Go to original / last post
BlueYam's Profile

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Imola72's Profile

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Thanks for the heads upThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
BlueYam's Profile

In: Taunton
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bunch of fookers - they are just spoiling things and that is a really nice road too, I did hear they are getting a bit hot in Wales again, time to give it a wide berth?                                                                                                                                                                             
thediver37's Profile

In: Ruthin
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That road is a great to ride. Done it many times going to barmouth. It is a couple of miles away from my place. I have all the best rides on my doorstep. 

Dont go out at weekends and in the evening. Go during the day. Roads are quieter. 

Dont give it a wide berth come and enjoy the roads. 

ExupRichR1's Profile

In: Buckley
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Thanks @BY , one of my favorite roadsUnhappy. happens every Easter Bank Holiday as I'm sure every county in the UK will be running similar campaigns on biking routes, bank Hols tend to be frustrating and chock full of day trippers and lemons with caravans struggling and cutting bends anyways so getting any mojo on is a defunct issue
BlueYam's Profile

In: Taunton
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Did I not tell you tho Rich....? See I was right you know as I head they are starting to clamp down on bikers, just as well I don't ride like a loon                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Its the same, they started in South Yorkshire 2 weeks ago, I was out in Lincolnshire last weekend, unmarked cars and bikes, camera vans... and to cap it all, they drove through the parked bikes at Willingham Woods with an ANPR car logging everything, then strolled back checking plates and cans, but they are not alienating the biking community, been pulled twice in the last two weeks because I ride a big bike, and they want to "chat" about riding and road safety! I just want to ride in peace....rant over!
BlueYam's Profile

In: Taunton
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fookin assholes!!! Its most of the fooking car drivers that need educating - when have you last seen a biker on his mobile phone whilst driving or scoffing a sandwich?                                                                                                                                                                             
JP's Profile

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To be fair they are having a speeding clamp down right across the UK cars bikes trucks vans the lot so let's spoil there fun and keep to the speed limit just to piss them off lol
ExupRichR1's Profile

In: Buckley
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Yes BY you did , it was bound to happen after a good summer last year, meaning more bikes visited the area and therefore more accidents occurred, suppose they have to be 'seen' to be doing somethingThumbs Down, there will be a limit on what they can do and sustain a campaign with the North Wales Traffic Division man(women) power being slashed by 13% over the last couple of years and coping with the visiting mass's of cagers
   None of us are saints but being a minority we will always be the easy target as educating the mass's in there cars is beyond them                                                                                                                                                                             
xj's Profile

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the police are the guys who have to pick the body parts up and inform the wife and kids that daddy is dead. Yes it's a nuisance to get stopped for a chat but if they make their prescence known they may save someone's life...worth it?
And if your bike is legal you have nothing to worry about. I ain't no angel but if i get caught i get caught and take it on the chin.
  At the end of the day they have a job to do and they do it, reasonably i think. I know i have got away with stuff i shouldn't  and  have been told it's not the speed that matters it's inapropriate speed that gets you points.
stutts's Profile

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well said XJ im still on ELEVEN................one more and I get a microwave,,,,,,,,,,,,,                                                                                                                                                                             
Steve_H's Profile

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I agree with XJ, picking up the bits isn't a pleasant job. Just keep it cool and pick the right places if you fancy a bit of sillyness.
Plenty of empty roads up here :-)
But that's not an invite to come and spoil it for us!                                                                                                                                                                             
Richard T's Profile
Richard T

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I like to ride 'with gusto' sometimes, but at others just bimble along enjoying the scenery. There's a time and a place for each, but we still need to maintain concentration at all times!
A good thing to consider is "What if there's something coming the other way doing the same as me?"
bluesbiker's Profile

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 The people that cause the problem never listen.

They were told for years to slow down on the cat & fiddle and chose to ignore it. So the authorities did it for them. 
Don't blame the powers that be. Blame the ones who cause the issues. Geek                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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I totally  agree with bluesbiker and xj  and the welsh police do say please and thank you with a smile not like some county's                                                                                                                                                                                    
Emzed's Profile

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There are always those who have scant regard for other road users Disapprove

Whether it's on 2 wheels or 4 Confused

As is always the case with such antisocial & inconsiderate behaviour Wacko

The minority will inevitably attract negative media attention Angry

Which reflects badly on the majority of well behaved and considerate riders/drivers Unhappy 

I freely admit that I'm no "saint" Embarrassed

But as others have said Approve 

It's down to riding appropriately in the conditions/locations Thumbs Up

Deleted Member's Profile
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you all want the police when your bike gets nicked                                                                                                                                                                             
ExupRichR1's Profile

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trouble is Bill , they are not interested                                                                                                                                                                             
Julestools's Profile

In: Northwich
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I've had a bike and a Landrover nicked and the police do NOT give a shit. I had my lock up burgled and strimmers ,chainsaws and a MIG nicked. Again the police do not give a shit And yet a quiet Sunday evening ride out on the Bonnie over the traffic free Cat costs me £100 and three points. I'm not bitterI could understand it had I been on the Daytona, cutting the corners and acting like a twat but I was cruising on the Bonnie   The problem is too many inconsiderate car drivers on the road who are just not focused on their driving (and some bikers who ride like twats and think it's cool)   Daytona for sale.... I'm too old                                                                                                                                                                             

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