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Users: 107,941 (71% Male, 29% female)  New users: 9 today, 77 this week, 418 this month
Profiles: 76,532 total (Newest -jayhayesq1977gmailcomOnline now: 492 visitors, 113 members, 1 staff
BikerMatch staff: 22 Staff (6 Moderators, 21 Event Planners, 0 Others)
Forum: 807,020 posts in 16,447 topics. Chatroom: 4,179,640 total messages, 3,799 this week
Private Messages: 7,904,756 total sent, 6,673 this week  Nods: 981,545 sent, 826 this week

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Frank W's BikerMatch Profile
Frank W from Sheffield, aged 68
Description: Intelligent and mostly house trained. Philosophy: It's the journey don’t you think. . . !

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UK Biker Forums

There are 11 forums with a total of 807,020 posts in 16,447 topics.

General Chat/Anything Goes
Chat about anything you want here, preferably bike related
Newbies Forum
Post your welcome messages here
Motorcycle Events & Rides Out
Biker events, biker rallies, rides out - discuss, plan, review & share GPS coords
Bikes, Products & Services
Discuss all products, good and bad
Motorcycle News
Discuss all the latest biking news in this forum
Motorcycle Racing
All motorbike racing here: MotoGP, WSB, WSS, BSB, BSS, Club, BEMSEE, M/X
Technical Motorbike Help
Broken motorbike? Support here for Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, BMW, Triumph, Ducati, Aprillia and others
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Jokes, Games & Silly Things
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Motorcycle Classifieds & Swap Shop
Buy, sell & swap motorbikes and bike related items here
Birthday Wishes
Birthdays can be found in the Events section, add your messages

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About Biker Match

                         Welcome to BikerMatch (BM)!

BM was started in the summer of 2006 after over 3 years of development as an offshoot from, predominantly aimed at being a dating site.  However, over the years it has progressed into a more broader social site with members organising ride outs, meet ups, BBQs, international trips and we’re now in the 2nd year of our very own rally – started and organised by the BM Members – the K.I.S.S Rally (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

7 years down the line now and we have 60,000+ members, 2 million page views per month, over 1,000 events per year, millions of forum posts & chatroom messages plus around 3,000-5,000 people logging on and 100 new members joining every single day.

Matt is the site owner who designed BM from the ground up (as a hobby) and continues to maintain it with voluntary help from the moderators who are here to ensure forum etiquette, check profiles/photos are legit and to stop you (the members) from being spammed by malicious users. The moderators can also help you with any site issues or queries, but please check the Help page first.

There are also voluntary events co-ordinators for most areas of the United Kingdom who are there to help you if you wish to set up an event/meet up/ride out. However it should be noted that they are not ‘responsible’ for organising ALL events. This is your site, you make it happen.

Please note all site staff are members of BM who volunteer their time to help make BM what it is today.  They usually have a proven track record of helping other BM members (aka 'BMers') and have shown special dedication to the site.

There is also an events calendar, so if you want to add any events, then follow the instructions in the calendar or send us an email.

BM is largely free to use.  You can create a profile, upload photos, respond to Private Messages, check our forums, join our events etc completely FREE of charge.  You can also opt to upgrade your account, removing adverts from the site and allowing a few extra features.

The funds raised through memberships goes towards promoting the site with full-page adverts in magazines such as Bike, Performance Bikes, Ride, MCN etc as well as online advertising on Facebook and Google.  This keeps a continuous flow of new members joining the website, which would otherwise fail like previous, similar, sites.  Your subs make the site grow so please continue to contribute!  Of course there's also costs of maintaining the servers that run this site 24/7, more subs = better performance.  BM is NOT a large corporate site run by faceless gremlins - we're a site run by bikers for bikers.  Even Matt has his own day-job and runs BM in his spare time.

We hope that you enjoy your time here.  It's been said many times that you get out of BM what you put in! So join in with the forums & attend some events/meet ups/ride outs. You’ll soon make loads of friends and may even meet that special someone in the process! Bonus!  If you want proof please read the testimonies page.

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Biker Match is a UK social, events and dating website by bikers, for bikers.  All British motorcyclists are welcome to join our large and exciting community free of charge in search of ride-outs, motorcycling events & rallies, biker dating & relationships, motorcycle help, motorcycle forums, biking news, racing news, motorcycle classifieds or just to get to know other UK bikers.  Create your profile and upload your photos now completely free.
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