Well ive been very quiet for some time on here and not been on much.... as so far this year ive had two deaths/funerals to deal with a long with building work been done to my home,no kitchen for 3 weeks, then to add to it all my house got burgled on 10th feb!!!!!!
Im now trying to deal with the police and insurance company, the police been very helpful shame can't say the same about insurance company as they have kindly been out to take all details of what has been stolen and wanting evidence to it all ie pictures receipts etc.........which ok lucky for me I do have them except for things that was given to me for presents off friends, family.........BUT this is why im posting this as my partner who does Motor X had his whole motor x gear here as we was going off the next day on his bike, but because he does not live with me the insurance company have said his stuff is not covered............OMG was my expression as if ive not gone through enough they now telling me they wont pay out for it.... well sod that as they now going to have a battle on thier hands as like any of you when taking out home contents you think it be covered to what you have in your home!!!!!
Well any advice would be grateful as I aint giving up with out a fight now over this as all they have said is for him to claim off his home contents insurance etc(no doubt his will say it wasnt at home so no pay out) and that I didn't take out enough to cover me.......well I have as they is no way that 10 grand worth of stuff has been stolen............ok a lot was stolen granted