Got here at last!

16 Posts | Latest reply on 10/05/2011 18:28:01 by SuzieSuzuki | Go to original / last post
SuzieSuzuki's Profile

In: Warwickshire
Posts: 47
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Hello all   Finally found some time to actually pay the dues to join in. That got a bit complicated but sorted it in the end. Then it took me 10 minutes to work out how to start off this topic! Now I'm exhausted by it all and need a cup of tea!   But Hello anyway, this site looks good and I like the events section, lots going on by the look of it and hopefully I can persuade some of my friends to come to some of the meets. If we do and I recognise anyone from here, I'll be sure to come and say Hi.   Suzie                                                                                                                                                                                 
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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Hi SuzieSuzuki and all the newbies over the last few weeks!   Welcome to BMHug    Take a look round the forums and events pages, hope to see you at some meets!    Hold tight and have fun!Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                                
Gsxskye's Profile

In: Reading
Posts: 21
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Welcome to BM Suzie good crew here enjoy Phillip                                                                                                                                                                             
drobess's Profile

In: Bedworth
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welcome Suzi, hope you enjoy being part of BM. Im not far from you in Atherstone, im in coventry                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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hi suzie and welcome, your really close to me so if you ever fancy a ride out give me a pm !!!!                                                                                                                                                                              
Jack Jones's Profile
Jack Jones

In: Lincolnshire bas
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hi there suziesuzuki , welcome to BM , stick your name down for the kiss weekend , (its not far from you) yes lots going on all the time                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Hi suzi and welcome to this great forumThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

In: Hobbit HQ
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hi and welcome to the mad house, grab a crayon and start colouring in, but rem dont chew them !!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                              
kaycat's Profile

In: radcliffe Manche
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hi welcome enjoy Wink                                                                                                                                                                              
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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hi and welcome to the site.   I'm very interested in the difficulties you had signing up and posting in the forums.  I try to design the site so it's simple to use.  If you had problems then I wonder who else is having trouble.   Please can you give me specifics?  Not sure how much easier I can make it in the forums for example, you just click Forums and New Topic.                                                                                                                                                                             
SuzieSuzuki's Profile

In: Warwickshire
Posts: 47
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Thanks everyone for the welcome...   Mad Mic, the KISS weekend looks great and I'm attending, I'll hopefully get a few friends to come along too, I've informed them of this site and maybe they'll sign up at some point.   Nice to hear from people fairly local to me, I think Bassets or the Vic pub might be on the cards to come and say Hi.   Ian, are you SURE that your cruiser will be happy with my GS :-) Wouldn't want to put a dent in the Cruisers street cred Tongue   Matt... It wasn't your site that was the problem, it was me. I am known for my inability to find my way out of a paper bag. I just couldn't see the buttons I needed to press... to be fair though, I'd had a busy day and was very fatigued hence my dimness at joining up!   Thanks   Suzie                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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hey suzie, i dont care about street cred, lol, so get pm ' ing and i am defo sure, and if you wanna look cool too you can always hop on the back lol                                                                                                                                                                              
BOBKAT's Profile

In: Burns Country
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Hi Suzie, welcome - hope you enjoy the site huni.  I have been along to some events on my own and everyone is very friendly.  If none of your mates fancy an event and you do just pm someone who is going and arrange to meet up.  Im a bit far away from you, but hope to bump into you at some point.  All the best Handshake                                                                                                                                                                             
SuzieSuzuki's Profile

In: Warwickshire
Posts: 47
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Thanks Bobkat, I'll bear that in mind if my pals can't make it to the events with me. Hope to meet up with you too!   Ian, that made me smile... before I learned to ride I did go pillion a few times on the back of a Cruiser, a really nice classic looking Virago 525. Can't ever imagine me being on the tail end of a bike again now I've got my own. I wonder how many riders feel the same? All of my friends say the same thing... "only if their own bike broke down and they needed a lift home!"
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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yeah i know where your coming from, well i will gladly be your wing man on a ride out !!!!! no worries whatever you ride !!                                                                                                                                                                              
SuzieSuzuki's Profile

In: Warwickshire
Posts: 47
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Thank you Ian!                                                                                                                                                                              

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