Hiya Bobs,
Done more than a few !!
The peak power gain may not be too much .. .. 4 – 8 Hp but the response and rideabilty difference will be remarkable, as will the general smoothness of the engine
The only ‘plug in’ fueling device that works any good is the Power Commander.
The Fuelpac, comes several levels down the line from it and should be subjected to a floatation test !!!!
All of the ‘plug in’ tuners are, in fact, simply a fudge box i.e. they send false signals to the fuel map or spark control map in the ecu.
The Screamin’ Eagle tuner accesses and remaps the ecu itself and has far more variables to adjust. Around £600
Dynojet, the people who make the Power Commander, have recently bought out a similar system to this, capable of reflashing the ecu and also has the abilty to check & clear trouble codes, amongst other functions. Around £450
A third option, and by far the best in my opinion, is having the bike set up with a program called ‘Direct Link’.
This system is superior to the other two as it accesses every signal and component of the Delphi system, therefore can fine tune more, for an even better tune. Around £900
This system takes around 4 – 5 hours to tune on the dyno !!!!!
None of these three systems need space for any add on boxes, as they have re mapped the ecu itself, but they must be set up on a dyno as should a Power Commander. A control key (dongle) is required to connect the ecu with the computer .. .. DONT loose this, replacement is around £250 -£300.
Or you could fit a Power Commander .. .. but you are short on space to locate it on your 07 model. Around £500
Vibration Bobs ?? you shouldn’t have too much of that on yours .. .. .. if you have Id suggest your Fuelpac was set up by an Orang-utan .. .. .. read Harley dealer lol.
Shad .. good to see ya agian.
Unsure how buying an R1 will improve the ability of a Fuelpac .... So Im now wondering if that remark was Sarcastic, banter, witty, or even irony ..... hehe
S&S don’t make a 120ci engine.
113 or 124 are nearest but even then, what are you gonna use to calibrate the fuel map or spark map ??
MMMM NoZ .. yes please mate, but once again, .. what are you gonna use to calibrate the fuel map or spark map for the extra fuel & spark retard??